Wednesday, 27 December 2017

الأسهم خيارات كيفن - ميرز

دواجن الحديث. كوم - منتدى أمب الشبكة لأي شخص مهتم بالدواجن. المبتدئين إلى الخبراء والعارضين. بولتريتالك الشبكة هي مورد متنامي للمعلومات الأساسية، مع العديد من أعضاء المعرفة من جميع أنحاء العالم. لدينا الميزات التي تسمح لأعضائنا للتعلم، وطرح الأسئلة، وتبادل المعرفة، وتحديث البقاء وأكثر من ذلك. الانضمام اليوم مجانا والوصول إلى شبكة كاملة بما في ذلك العديد من الفوائد مثل الإعلانات المجانية لجميع الأعضاء تصبح جزءا من شبكة ودية لدينا مع المنتديات وغرفة الدردشة والصور ومشاركة الفيديو والرسائل الفورية والأحداث وغيرها الكثير حصة والتعلم والتواصل مع زميل عشاق الدواجن. ساوث لانكس الطيور سعاة. بدأنا كوتوسوثلانكبيردكويرزكوت 4 سنوات مضت بعد أن أبقىنا على الحصول على التخلي عن طريق ما يسمى شركات البريد السريع الطيور أنفسنا. عندما نضع نحن نقرر لدينا نقطة بيع سيكون موثوقيتنا والصدق وعلى الرغم من أنه كان من الصعب في البداية نحن سرعان ما بدأت لإثبات لمربي نحن هنا للبقاء. حتى إذا كنت تريد الطيور الخاصة بك نقل عن طريق البريد السليم الطيور يرجى الاتصال بنا - جميع أنواع الطيور التي تم جمعها مع معدلات جيدة جدا في أكتوبر بدأنا خدمة جديدة حيث كل أسبوع ونحن سوف تغطي جميع الطرق السريعة في جميع أنحاء المملكة المتحدة من بقدر ما غلاسكو إلى لندن وإكستر سيكون لدينا أوقات معينة سوف نتوقف في أماكن معينة حتى يتمكن الناس من الحضور و دروبكولكت طيورهم. تكلفة من اقل من 12.50 لكل الطيور وربما أرخص اعتمادا على كيفية مشغول نحصل على - البقاء على اتصال للحصول على تفاصيل هاتف. No. 0161 737 5156 أشديل فارم، أكسمينستر، ديفون. بول الهجينة. (مفتوح 7 أيام في الأسبوع) A ديفرا مسجلة، مزرعة بيوسكور تشغيل الأسرة على الحدود ديفونسومرزيتدورسيت. نحن نقدم خيار بول الهجينة في كل 15 التي تم اختيارها لقدرتها على إعطاء إمدادات منتظمة من البيض ذات نوعية ممتازة. يتم تطعيم جميع الهجين لدينا تماما. في الموسم لدينا أيضا بانتامز (سيلكيز، بيكينز، أنكوناس، السلاطين، سوماترانز، سيبريتس و فريزيانز) يرجى زيارة موقعنا على الانترنت لساعات العمل الموسمية والاتجاهات. الهاتف. نو: 07963 132709 إمايل: ميلاشديلالباكاس عنوان الويب: WeLoveishi. co. uk أفالون الدواجن، برادلي الغربية، غلاستونبري، سومرست. كريستد كريم ليجبار والجنس مرتبطة ساسكس. على مقربة من غلاستونبري، لقد تم تربية كريم ليجبارس لمدة 2 سنوات الآن، وأنتجت بعض الطيور لطيف حقا التي هي صحيحة لنوع، ووضع البيض الأزرق الجميل كما ينبغي أن يكون. بلدي الطيور مجموعة حرة في أقلام مفتوحة كبيرة. أنا أيضا سوف تكون تربية ساسكس المرتبطة بالجنس هذا العام، وإنتاج الدجاجة التي تبدو تماما مثل بوف ساسكس نقية. أنا توريد بيض الفقس من الخصوبة الجيدة والبيض اليوم القديم. أنا لا تبدأ الحضانة قبل منتصف مارس، لذلك لن يكون أي فراخ حتى أوائل أبريل. وسوف تكون بيض التفريخ متاحة من أوائل شهر مارس. آن روبرتس، تيل. رقم 01458 851488، الجوال: 07766824417، إمايل: anne. robertsglastonburysomerset. co. uk. عنوان الويب: avalon-poultry. co. uk بورنفري بانتامز، بيدفورد، ديفون. أبيع بيض التفريخ مجموعة حرة، والفراخ (من 8 أسابيع من العمر)، الدجاج، والكوكيريل. يمكن نشر البيض الفقس. لدي بيكينز: أسود مرقش (عادي و فريزل)، ميلفلور، والخزامى. أوربينغتون بارنتامز: الأزرق والأسود، وسبلاش. بانتام وياندوتس: سيلفر لاسد. بنتام سيلكيز: ألوان مختلفة. كبير بارنيفيلدر الطيور. للمزيد من المعلومات يرجى زيارة موقعنا. زيغي بيكر، تيل. رقم 01237431589، البريد الإلكتروني: ziggibakeryahoo. co. uk عنوان الويب: bornfreebantams. co. uk تشيسلي الدجاج، تشيبنهام، ويلتشير. بيكين واياندوت بانتامز. لدينا بيض الفقس المتاحة، والكتاكيت والدجاج في معظم الألوان من بيكين وياندوت بانتامز على مدار السنة. وتشمل ألوان بيكين الأكثر ندرة الشوكولاته، حساء الشوكولاته، أسود مرقش، الأزرق، دفقة الأزرق والكريول وكذلك الأبيض والأسود والفضة الحجل والذهب الحجل. إذا كنت تبحث عن لون معين ثم الرجاء نسأل فقط. وتشمل نادر وياندوت البنتام الألوان الشوكولاته، الذهب الملبوس، الذهب الحجل، الفضة الملبوس، الأزرق المثلج والفضة بينسيلد. أنا فخر نفسي على إنتاج أعلى جودة، الطيور لا علاقة لها. يرجى الاتصال أماندا سيكيس 07986 875715 أو البريد الإلكتروني: sykes. amandagmail. موقع ويب تشيسليهيلفارم مزرعة ريدج الجبل، إكستر، ديفون - الدجاج. نقطة من وضع كل عام حول تطعيمها تماما تسع سلالات مختلفة على الأقل كل مجموعة حرة في مزرعتنا. يتم تربيتها كلها معا من اليوم القديم حتى تتمكن من مزيج 146n146 مباراة قطيع مصمم الخاصة بك. نحن نقدم الكثير من المشورة المجانية ونرحب حراس الدواجن جديدة لمزرعتنا. السمان نحن واحدة من أكبر المربين في جنوب غرب وبيع الذهبي الذهبي السمان زرع. والهدف المزدوج السمان الياباني والعمالقة الذهبية. نبيع الفقس وتناول البيض. يوم قديم، أيضا، إستقرن يصبح ذا رأس، بسبب، لاي. الصغيرة والكبيرة أوامر ترحيب. خدمة التوصيل لأوامر كبيرة. البط المحلية والأوز نحن يفقس كل أسبوع في الموسم وبيع البط الجنس والأوز من كبار السن اليوم حتى نقطة من وضع. لدينا أكثر من 70 أصناف من الماء مجانا تتراوح في منطقتنا الثعلب برهان مرفقات. الدرجات الزينة، الطاووس والطيور الغينية. البجع، أيضا، رياس. لدينا ضميمة كبيرة حيث لدينا الطيور أحرار في التجول مع جنبا إلى جنب مع لدينا والابيس. مارا ودينا الغزال الأعلاف. انظر موقعنا على الانترنت moonridgefarm. co. uk أو الاتصال بنا infomoonridgefarm. co. uk أو الاتصال 01392 851190 07891329538. نحن مفتوحة ويدس 150 السبت 10:30 حتي 05:00. متجر الدواجن في الموقع بيع جميع الملحقات بما في ذلك السكن الدواجن. دورسيت، الدجاجات، ستورمينستر، نيوتن، دورسيت. نحن يقعون بالقرب ستالبريدج في دورست في بلاكمور فيل الجميلة. نحن توريد خمسة ألوان مختلفة من الدجاج الهجين. ساسكس ستار، بوفان نيرا، سبيكلدي، كولومبيان بلاكتايل و بليبيل. لدينا أيضا شالخيل الأزرق الهجين الذي هو طبقة من البيض الأزرق. يتم تطعيم كل هذه تماما. لدينا أيضا باف أوربينغتونز في الطيور الكبيرة ونباتات السلالة النقي مثل، بيكينز، سابليبوتس، باربو دانفرز و بوف أوربينتونس. كل هذه تخضع لتوافر في أوقات معينة من السنة البيض الفقس أيضا المتاحة. يرجى الاتصال هاتفيا قبل زيارتك للتحقق من توافرها. الهاتف. رقم 01963 363659، البريد الإلكتروني: contactdorsethens. co. uk عنوان الويب: dorsethens. co. uk فيرليه مزرعة، التقليدية ونادر تربية الدجاج، أوكيهامبتون، ديفون. لدينا أكثر من 22 أنواع مختلفة من التقليدية ونادرة سلالة الدجاج و بانتامز، نحن توريد بيض التفريخ، اليوم القديم الكتاكيت و بول. السلالات المتناثرة: أوربينغتون برتقالي، سيلكيز الأزرق، سيلكيز الذهب، ليغورنز أسود، ليغورنز أسود، ليجورنز كريم متجدد، رود الأحمر جزيرة، الخزامى أراكاوناس، فافيرولز سمك السلمون، بوفكينز برتقالي، بيكينز مختلطة، سليبوتس الليمون ميلفور، شامواه بولز، عادي و فريزل، بيجيوم بوبا دوكل، فورويرك، لا اللحم، الخزامى بيكنز، لاكنفيلدر، الأزرق الدانتيل بارنافيلد، ليغورن الخزان، ضوء سوسكس. جميع الدجاج لدينا هي ورميد وفي حالة ممتازة، ونحن نقدم أيضا مساعدة وتقديم المشورة إذا لزم الأمر. نحن ودية صغيرة عقد وجميع هي موضع ترحيب لزيارة ونرى الدجاج لدينا. السيدة ليندا ويلوبي، تيل. رقم 01837 53222 المحمول: 07912 498837 البريد الإلكتروني: arch. russellgooglemail عنوان الويب: chickensindevoncouk. webeden. co. uk هيتور ريتش نادر بولتري فارم. نيوتن أبوت، ديفون. نحن عائلة تدير نادرة السلالات مزرعة الدواجن. يتم الاحتفاظ كل الطيور لدينا بشكل طبيعي على العشب وتغذية مربي الجودة وتظهر بيليه، بالإضافة إلى الذرة لعلاج. بيض التفريخ للبيع. متجر على الانترنت مع دفع باي بال آمنة. كميات صغيرة من الطيور جودة ولدت. العديد من الطيور الجميلة مناسبة للعائلات والمبتدئين. جميع الطيور تباع فاسيناتد. كبير الطيور: بارنيفيلدر في مزدوجة لاكد و دل الأزرق. (ماريكس فاسيناتد) كريم ليجبار. ضوء، ساسكس. أوربينغتون في بوف والخزامى. ماران في سبلاش والنحاس الأزرق. مارش ديزي. سيلكي في الأحمر، الأحمر الحافة، الأبيض والأزرق سبلاش. (ماريكس فاسيناتد) وياندوت في الذهب الرباط وقريبا الذهب الملبس الأزرق. VORWERK. بانتامز: براهما في باف كولومبيان وبوف كولومبيان بلو. فافيرول، إلى داخل، سمك السلمون. نانكين. بيكين في لافندر، سابليبوت في الليمون ميلفلور والبورسلين. (ماريكس فاسيناتد) وياندوت في الفضة بنسيلد. جولي شيرمان، الهاتف النقال: 07914744421، عنوان الويب: rarepoultry. co. uk ليتل ميسس تشيكنز، كالن، ويلتشير. نحن مزرعة الأسرة الصغيرة بيع الدواجن والبط والأوز والسمان وأرانب في بعض الأحيان. يمكننا توريد الغذاء والمعدات والسكن بناء على طلبها. نحن تشغيل الطبقات حفظ الطيور على مدار السنة. الهاتف. رقم 01249760548، المحمول: 07766107869، البريد الإلكتروني: daxialittle-misses-chickens. co. uk عنوان الويب: little-misses-chickens. co. uk صورة للتوضيح فقط. الدجاج الدجاج. وأكثر من ذلك بكثير تعال وانظر واحدة من أكبر يعرض من الدجاج والحيوانات الأليفة الإسكان في المملكة المتحدة. ثريس مجموعة واسعة من وحدات جاهزة لك أن يسلب اليوم. إذا كنت قد بدأت للتو لدينا أيضا الموظفين ودية ودية في متناول اليد لمساعدتك في جعل تلك جميع الخيارات الأولى الهامة. فورشام كوتاد أركس غوريسيد مزرعة مخطط عظيم أشفورد كين t TN26 1JU هاتف. 01233 820229 فاكس. لا. 01233 820157 البريد الإلكتروني: سينديفورشامكوتاجيركس موقع ويب: فورشام جيسدكس جون بالمر فقط قبالة M25 في J28 إسكس هاتف 01708 348088 البريد الإلكتروني جبسدكسول. نبيع بيض الفقس، فراخ الجنس من يوم من العمر إلى الكبار من رير X ضوء ساسكس. البيض إلى الكبار سيلكيز، بوب الأبيض واليابانية والصينية السمان. لمزيد من المعلومات والتوافر الحالي انتقل إلى JPsDucks. co. uk موب 07882630377 كيثسوربس. براكنيل، بركشير. مربي الدواجن أوربينغتون في كل من كبير والبنتام. أحافظ على معظم الألوان في كلا الأحجام وعدد قليل جدا من الألوان النادرة بما في ذلك الأحمر بانتامز والشوكولاته الطيور الكبيرة. لدي أيضا العديد من مشاريع تربية بما في ذلك الشوكولاته الفضة اللحم، الأزرق الفضة اللحم بانتام والشوكولاته الوقواق الطيور الكبيرة. الفقس البيض والمزارعين والبالغين أوربينجتونس المتاحة عادة. 07778334817 إمايل. keiths. orpsmail ويب. keiths-orps. co. uk كينت الدجاج. روتشستر، كينت. ونحن متخصصون في الدواجن بدء حزم تقدم مجموعة مختارة من الخيارات تسليمها مباشرة إلى الباب الخاص بك. لدينا الدجاج الهجين توريد البيض على مدار السنة وطبيعة ودية أيضا يجعلها الحيوانات الأليفة كبيرة. وتشمل خدماتنا إعداد والثعلب التدقيق من حظيرة الخاص بك وإذا كنت تحتاج إلى تشغيل أو الضميمة هذه يمكن تصميمها وجعلها لتلبية الاحتياجات المحددة الخاصة بك. نحن نأخذ الوقت للرد على أسئلتك بحيث تشعر بالثقة في رعاية الدجاج. هذا هو خدمة مفصل حقا ولكن بأسعار لتعطيك قيمة كبيرة مقابل المال. ونحن نقدم أيضا مجموعة الدجاجة مجانا حتى إذا كنت تذهب في عطلة كنت تعرف الدجاج الخاص بك وسوف تكون الرعاية بشكل جيد ل. يرجى الاطلاع على موقعنا على الانترنت لمزيد من المعلومات. kentchickens. co. uk. ديبي كوبر تيل. 01634 863675 07882 558573 البريد الإلكتروني: kentchickenshotmail. co. uk صورة للتوضيح فقط. كيم كولينغ بول الدجاج وأيضا الكتاكيت، وبعض السلالات النقي، وبعض مختلطة. مارغيت، كينت. لدي بعض الكتاكيت للبيع من 7 أسابيع من العمر إلى بول، كلها سوداء بينكسالمون فافوريلليت سوسكسلافندر أراكوانا الصلبان أو بوريبريدس، والفراخ هي من 6 كل و بول من 15، بوريبريدس هي 20 لكل منهما. الهاتف. رقم 07889 160821، الجوال: 07889 160821، البريد الإلكتروني: كيمدردوليتلاول صورة للتوضيح فقط. جودة بانتام السلالات الصرفة. كينت. أسود سيلكيز، سيلكيز الأبيض، الذهب لاسد واياندوتس، سيلفر لاسد واياندوتس، لافندر أروكاناس، ويلسومرز، كوكو مارانز، ساسكس الخفيفة، باف بيكينز، لافندر بيكينز، Ancona146s و رود آيلاند ريدز تقع نر أشفورد في كينت، ونحن قد أنشئت لمدة ستة عشر عاما و هي العارضين حريصة من البنتام في المعارض الرئيسية. يونغ الأسهم للبيع في جميع أنحاء الربيع والصيف. الفقس البيض المتاحة من مارس. دورات حفظ الدواجن في الفناء الخلفي المقدمة طوال فصل الصيف. أم الدجاجة الدواجن، القراءة، بركشير. نحن شركة عائلية تعمل في القراءة، بركشير. في الأم الدجاج الدجاج ونحن نولد وتوريد سلالات نقية من الدجاج والبط والأوز، طير غينيا، الطاووس والسمان. من سلالاتنا ونحن نقدم الخصيب البيض الفقس، الكتاكيت، تزايد الأوراق المالية، بولس أمبير الديك. لدينا متجر في الموقع الذي الأسهم تغذية الدواجن والمنتجات والمعدات (بما في ذلك مجموعات المبتدئين) وفي موسم الفقس البيض. نحن سعداء لتقديم المشورة. (ديفيرا مسجل). لدينا مجموعة من الدجاج السلالة نقية في حجم كبير والبنتام تشمل - ويلسومرز، ساسكس، فافيرولز، مارانز، بليموث الصخور، دوركينغز، سيلكيز، بيكينز، سابيلوتس، ليغورنز، أوربينغتونس. أوتوسكسينغ السلالات. كريم ليجبار، ويلبار، رودبار، كوبار وبارنيبار. لدينا مجموعة متنوعة من 11 سلالة هجينة من تطعيمات بالكامل نقطة من طيات اللب (أمبرز، الجرس، بييدس، السود، ريدز، جينجرز، سبيكلدي، سكايلين، الزيتون، البيض و ساسكس) التي تضع مجموعة مختارة من الضوء والبني الداكن والأبيض، الأزرق، أيضا، أخضر، إغز. نحتفظ ونولد البط الهندي عداء، استدعاء البط، البط مسكوفي، أيليسبوري البط وكامبل البط. ونحن أيضا الحفاظ على وتولد سلالات مختلفة من الأوز، غينيا الطيور، الطاووس والسمان. الهاتف. رقم 07989888708، المحمول: 07989 888 708، البريد الإلكتروني: أوفيسموثنسبولتري عنوان الويب: أمثرهنسبولتري نيوستيد الدجاج، الدجاج الهجين و وياندوتس، هاندكروس. غرب ساسكس . الدجاج الهجين بول المتاحة أيضا وياندوت الدجاج مختلف الألوان اليوم الفراخ الهجين القديم السلالات بما في ذلك الجريس، نيران بوفان و سوسكس الخفيفة أيضا يكرم اليوم الكتاكيت القديمة غارنتيد الإناث وتطعيمها. ليندسي هوبدن، تيل. رقم 07876236471، المحمول: 07876236471، البريد الإلكتروني: hobden94gmail قديم لعبة الإنجليزية. بوابة الغابات. لندن. للبيع. السنة الحالية ولدت. واتون قديم الإنجليزية لعبة بانتامز، أحمر بايل قديم الإنجليزية لعبة بانتامز، كولورس الأخرى بما في ذلك الفرن، أسود لافندر، أبيض قبالة الألوان والأسود قبالة الألوان، الأسعار من 12 إلى 20 لكل منهما. الصورة الرئيسية لبلدي بايل الأزرق، وأظل أيضا الليمون الأزرق والليمون الأزرق سبلاش الحديثة لعبة بانتامز والسمان الأبيض باربو دي واترميل الهاتف 020 8519 0220 بعد 6:00 مساء أو عطلة نهاية الأسبوع. أو البريد الإلكتروني لي في antoniawing147btinternet. للبالغين الأسهم انظر موقعنا على شبكة الإنترنت وينغسبيردغاردن الإفراط نورفولك الأسود تركيا. شرق ساسكس. ويلسومر، باف سوسكس (الطيور الكبيرة والبنتام)، فافيرولز، فورويرك، لافندار أروكانا، أسود أمبير بوف أوربينغتونز، بارنيفيلدر أمب رود آيلاند الدجاج الحمراء. الإفراط هو متخصص تربية الدواجن نادرة تقع في المناطق الريفية شرق ساسكس. نبيع نورفولك الأسود تركيا بولتس من مايو إلى يوليو من كل عام وبيض التفريخ لجميع الدجاج لدينا - نحن سعداء للمساعدة. لا تتردد في الاتصال بنا على الهاتف: 01435 882949 أو الجوال: 07917 445598. زيارة موقعنا على الانترنت: أوفرثيستيل أو البريد الإلكتروني: إنكيريزوفرثستيل الدواجن الكمال - لدينا 70 سلالة خطوط - ليتواتر، ساري. يقع في J3 من M3. نحن نقدم على الصعيد الوطني. نحن توريد بيض الفقس، بول بوليتس والفراخ. نحن أيضا تصنيع 35 تايبيسديسينز من كوخ في الموقع. يمكن القول إن أكبر سلالة من الدواجن السلالة نقية في البلاد. 48 الأقلام في الأماكن المغلقة على 6000sq قدم و 58 الأقلام على العشب يمتد خارج على 1.5 فدان مع 4.5 فدان تربية مجموعة مجانية منطقة العشب المسيجة. الزوار نرحب هاتف. رقم 07815072938 المحمول: 07815072938 البريد الإلكتروني: enquiryperfectpoultry. co. uk عنوان الويب: perfectpoultry. co. uk رافنسفارم الدجاج. إسيكس. رود، أرض يحيط بها الماء، ريدس، أضاء، ساسكس. البائعين من نقطة لاي الهجين الرصاص على مدار السنة، مع بيض السلالة تفقس البيض والفراخ إلى 16 أسبوعا للبيع خلال الموسم. الاتصال بول مانينغ هاتف. 01255 870934 البريد الإلكتروني رافنزفارمبتينترنيت موقع ويب ravensfarmhens. co. uk سوربيتون الدواجن، سوربيتون، ساري. ضوء ساسكس، الوقواق ماران، رود آيلاند الأحمر ومختلف الهجينة. تشيكنز فور سيل. نبيع الدجاج ساسكس الخفيفة من 16 أسابيع من العمر، الوقواق مارانز من 1 أسبوع من العمر ورود آيلاند ريدز من 16weeks القديمة. سلالات أخرى متوفرة في بعض الأحيان وكذلك الديك. الهجين لدينا عادة في الأوراق المالية هي عيسى براونز ورود الصخور. الهاتف. رقم 0208 335 0836، الجوال: 07802 827189، البريد الإلكتروني: simon. surbitonpoultrylive عنوان الويب: surbitonpoultryandhenhouses. co. uk ويستمور الحيوانات الأليفة، مزرعة ويستمور، رينهام، كينت. برتقالي وذهب أوربينغتونس المورقة، بيكينز، سليكيس و أبنزيلرز. اختيار جيد من الذهب الممزوج و بوف أوربينجتونس، سيلكيز، بيكينز و أبنزيلرز، 10 أسابيع من العمر إلى نقطة من وضع. الهاتف. رقم 01634 362925، البريد الإلكتروني: دافيدويستمورغوغمايل عنوان الويب: westmoorpets. co. uk صورة للتوضيح فقط. أبيض، ألباكا، ويلو، ألباكا، دعامة، ويلو، جزيرة وايت. الشوكولاته بيكين بانتامز. نحن نولد الشوكولاته النادرة بيكين بانتامز. هم الدجاج كبيرة التي هي حقا ترويض وكبيرة مع الأطفال. لدينا خصبة البيض الفقس ومختلف الأسهم المتاحة على مدار السنة. بيض الفقس 2.50 كل يوم الكتاكيت القديمة 5 كل الكتاكيت أسبوع واحد 8 كل بول 30 كل - عندما تكون متاحة. جمع من مزرعتنا فقط، ونحن لن ترسل البيض من خلال هذا المنصب. ونحن أيضا تولد الطيور الكبيرة الدجاج براهما الذهب. ميشيل باين، تيل. رقم 01983 760900، فاكس. لا. 01983 760862، البريد الإلكتروني: enquirieswestwightalpacas. co. uk أرتشيز ليتل الأحجار الكريمة. كامبردجشاير. مربي الدواجن النادرة والصرفة. متخصصة في أروكاناس، ونحن نولد الأسود والأزرق والأبيض والخزامى والأسود والأحمر والأزرق الأحمر أروكاناس والذهب والفضة يوكوهاما، الفضة فينيكس، كوتشينز والبرهماس. ونحن أيضا تولد وبيع الشوكولاته تركيا ونوعية الهجينة عندما تكون متاحة. بيض، أيضا، الصوصوص، من، 6، الأسابيع، خبير، حتى، إستقرن يصبح ذا رأس، بسبب، لاي. الاتصال جيسون، هاتف 01480812586 أو 05603149182. البريد الإلكتروني jasonarchieslittlegems. co. uk موقع ويب archieslittlegems. co. uk بيلهام البيت نادر السلالات مزرعة. إبسويتش، سوفولك. في بيت بيلهام مزرعة نادرة السلالات لدينا سبعة قطعان صغيرة من الأغنام النادرة، أربع سلالات من الماشية، والماعز القزم والدجاج واثنين من سلالات من الخنازير بما في ذلك كيون كونيس، خنازير الماوري ودية رائعة من نيوزيلندا. نحن سعداء لتقديم المشورة لكم على تربية أي من السلالات التي نحافظ عليها وأيضا بيع لك أي مخزون فائض أن لدينا المتاحة. برامبلس سلالات خاصة جولي أمب آلان إدواردز. نحن مقرها جنوب مالفرن في ورسسترشاير. قريب من 3 مقاطعات شوغروند. نحن متخصصون في تربية خنازير كون كيون والماعز الأنجورا والدواجن نادرة تولد. نحن تشغيل دورات كوتسمالهولدرز للمبتدئين التي تشمل المتطلبات القانونية وكذلك اليدين مع يوم لرعاية اليوم من الحيوانات الخاصة بك. يمكننا أن نقدم أيضا بمب في المنزل أو على مقربة. إذا كنت بحاجة إلى أي نصيحة يرجى الاتصال جولي: هاتف. 01684-833336 موب. 07872-170190 البريد الإلكتروني juliespecialbreeds. co. uk موقع ويب specialbreeds. co. uk بوسي بانتامز أمبير الهجين الدجاج، ستوك قبل، نر. ليومينستر، هيريفوردزير - نحن المربين والموردين من نوعية متفوقة نقطة من الهجين الرؤوس، السلالة النقي بيكين بانتامز، النقي تولد أوربينغتون الطيور الكبيرة، نقية السلالة كريم الساقين و أمبير الإيطالية السمان الياباني. لدينا مجموعة واسعة من السلالات الهجين من نقطة لاي الهجين على النحو التالي: الجرس، ساسكس الأبيض، ساسكس الفضة، أسود روكرهود الصخور، النحاس الأسود، سبيكلدي، بارك روك، الذهبي سبيكلدي، العنبر، أبيض ستار، الحمم ليغورن، الكولومبي الذيل الأسود، رود آيلاند الأحمر أمبير براون الحارس - جميع الدجاج هي 16 أسابيع من العمر وتطعيمها بالكامل. نحن أيضا نولد سلالة نقية بيكين بانتامز (في مجموعة متنوعة من الألوان)، الصرفة تولد أوربينغتون الطيور الكبيرة (في مجموعة متنوعة من الألوان)، النقي تولد كريم ليغارس (بلوغرين طبقات البيض) والإيطالية أمب السمان اليابانية - يتم تطعيم جميع الطيور الصرفة تولد. من سلالاتنا الصرفة يمكننا تزويد الخصوبة فحص بيض التفريخ (التي يمكن نشرها)، الكتاكيت القديمة اليوم من خلال إلى نقطة الدجاجة الدجاجة والكوكيرلز. نحن أيضا الأسهم مجموعة جيدة من معدات الدواجن واللوازم (التي يمكن نشرها). نحن موجودون على بعد 3 أميال من ليومينستر قبالة A44 الرئيسي نحو بروميارد. يرجى الاتصال بنا على 07971002962 أو البريد الإلكتروني بوسيبانتزامزيميل أو تحقق موقعنا على الانترنت busybantams. co. uk أو busybantamsandhybridhens. co. uk لدينا التوافر الحالي، وفتح الأوقات أو مزيد من المعلومات حول الطيور لدينا أو لماذا لا تجد لنا في الفيسبوك في مشغول بانتامز والمكرونة الدجاج. تشارتلي تشاكس، ستو-بي-تشارتلي ستافورد. يقع في ستافوردشاير بالقرب من حدود ديربيشير. نحن متخصصون في الوقواق ماران s. كريم ليجبار، ساسكس الخفيفة، سوسكس سبكلد، ليغورن الأسود، براون ليغورن وفريزيان فول. ومع ذلك نحن غالبا ما يكون سلالات أخرى المتاحة، لذا يرجى مراجعة موقعنا على الانترنت أو الاتصال للحصول على ما يصل إلى تاريخ قائمة الأسهم. نحن نقدم مبيعات الدواجن، وتقديم المشورة، والبيض الخصبة، اليوم الكتاكيت القديمة إلى P مرهم الدجاجة (P أول). يتم تقديم الكوكيرل مجانا. نحن نقدم ألس الدجاج التعاونيات للمدارس والزيارات التعليمية للمدارس من قبل معلم محترف. المشورة للمبتدئين المتاحة. يتم تربية جميع الطيور لدينا على العشب و ورميد. سجل ديفرا. اتصل بنا، جيف أمب جين على هاتف. رقم 07736 960835 أو البريد الإلكتروني: enquirieschartleychucks. co. uk. عنوان الويب: chartleychucks. co. uk تشيبسي الدجاج، نر أوتوكسيتر، ستافوردزير، مجموعة متنوعة من الرصاص الهجين للبيع، وجميع تطعيم و ورميد، بما في ذلك الأزرق بيل، ويتستار، نجمة مبقع، نجمة سوداء والذهب نجمة جاهزة الآن نقطة من لاي، طبقات مثالية لفصل الربيع وعيد الفصح - 15 لكل منهما. نر أوتوكسيتر. C أرولين ثورنتون، تيل. رقم 01889502016 المحمول: 07967002310 البريد الإلكتروني: ثورنكارولينبتينترنيت صورة للتوضيح فقط. تشوكس، المدى، مزرعة الدجاجة، الغرب، ميدلاندس. نبيع مجموعة من الدجاج المنزل تربية هنا في مزرعتنا في وارويكشاير التي تجعل الحيوانات الأليفة مثالية لأول مرة أو حارس الدجاج من ذوي الخبرة. يتم تربية جميع الدجاج لدينا بهدف إنتاج الطيور جذابة تنتج البيض كبيرة في مجموعة من الألوان. وقد تم دودة الدجاج لدينا وتطعيمها. نحن مزرعة تديرها عائلة لذا يرجى الاتصال لترتيب زيارة كريم الساق بار. سعيد الذهاب محظوظا ومحبة متعة جدا. أنهم وضع جميلة مسحوق البيض الأزرق الذي هو لذيذ كما أنها جذابة في المظهر، كما أنها منخفضة في الكولسترول هذا الطائر سوف توفر لك ما يقرب من 230 بيضة في السنة الأولى، صعبة، ومرنة و الطيور لجميع المواسم الذين سوف تجعل الحيوانات الأليفة رائع. الذهبي براهما. الأكثر شعبية من تولد براهما. معروفة لقدرات زرع ما يصل إلى 200 بيضة في السنة. أروكانا: لدينا الدجاج الساحرة هي صغيرة وأنيقة مع ريش لذيذ التي تنمو إلى الخارج من جانب الرأس تشبه الأذن يفشل، فهي مزيج مثير للاهتمام لقطيع الخاص، لأنها تضع البيض الأخضر الباستيل الأكثر سحرا. ونحن نوصي تماما هذا الطائر لتحويل البيض جمع الخاص بك إلى تجربة أكثر إثارة للاهتمام. وتصل هذه الدجاج إلى 200 بيضة في السنة. سمك السلمون، فافيرولز. ريشة سمك السلمون الساحرة مع نظرة الخدود منتفخ مع ريش مثيرة للاهتمام، ونحن نوصي تماما هذا الطيور لذيذ. بيضها بني وردي وتضع في المنطقة من 230 في السنة. نحاس أسود ماران: رأس و هاكل يكون متفوقا ذهبية و بقية الطيور سوداء مع بعض البني المحمر على الثدي. عموما هادئة، منصهر، ولكن بعض نشطة جدا. هذه الدجاجة يضع ما يقرب من 160 إلى 210 بيضة في السنة. البيض معروفة جيدا لونها البني الداكن. العنبر لينك. جذابة متوسطة الحجم الدجاج، وضع حوالي 280-300 بيضة سنويا. هاردي جدا ومناسبة لمعظم البيئات. رود روك. هاردي ومتنوعة الدجاجة، ومناسبة لجميع التضاريس والطقس. البيض جيدة الحجم البني مع نوعية قذيفة ممتازة. سوف تكمن بين 260 و 280 بيضة في السنة. سبكليدي: من السهل أن ننظر بعد. هذا الكسل الرمادي كسول الدجاجة هو سلالة شعبية التي هو معروف لوضع بيضة عميقة البني. يجب أن تضع ما يصل إلى 250 بيضة في السنة. بيشوود الأزرق: الطيور الثقيلة جدا منصهر. لها رائحة جميلة سموكي يجعل لها خيارا شعبيا متزايد لحراس الدواجن على نطاق صغير. وقالت انها سوف تضع 200-240 بيض بني في السنة. نجمة بيضاء: نوع صغير القرن الساق نوع الطيور مشط كبير. النجم الأبيض هو طبقة غزيرة من البيض الأبيض النقي الجميل، وسوف تكمن إلى 300 بيضة في السنة. ساسكس الحارس: الوزن الثقيل الطيور. جذابة جدا و منصهر. الأكثر ملاءمة لمجموعة حرة ويضع حوالي 200 البيض زائد سنويا كالدر الحارس: مزاجه جيد ومثالية لنطاق الحرة أو أنظمة القمامة العميقة. هاردي جدا، ممتازة وموثوق بها طبقة وسوف تنتج ما يصل إلى 300 بيضة سنويا. التجارية براون: لدينا عادة مجموعة متنوعة من جودة البني الهجين المتاحة. هذه يمكن أن يكون عيسى براون، وارن، غولدلين، هيلين أو لومان براون. يتم إدارتها بسهولة و دوسيلي وسوف تضع بشكل موثوق يصل إلى 300 بيضة في السنة. بييد رانجر: دجاجة متوسطة الحجم. الطيور شعبية للحالات المحلية وضع 250 إلى 260 بيضة في السنة. تشوكس، إتخذ مكانا، مزرعة الدجاجة، مارك، بينيت، تيل. رقم 0791 9842127، البريد الإلكتروني: markchookschickenfarm. co. uk عنوان الويب: chookschickenfarm. co. uk غولد بارتريدج برهماس - تينا غامبل. يسبيتش. كامبردجشاير. أنا مربي جديد من الذهب بارتريدج براهما الدجاج. بلدي الثلاثي من كوكريل واثنين من الدجاج هي من الدم الألماني، وهذا يعني أنها حقا أفضل من أفضل. الذهب الحجل براهماس هي، بكل بساطة، والدجاج الطائر الكبير المدهش كنت قد ترغب في ذلك ل. ودية، تعانق، جميلة بشكل استثنائي، أمهات آباء كبيرة، والهدوء، سلمية وأنيقة. نحن نولد هذه الدجاج رائعة - من الصعب بيعها، ولكن نريد أن يكون هناك أشخاص آخرين لديهم فرصة لأحبهم بقدر ما نقوم به. (بيض الفقس) (3 لتر كل دجاجة عمرها كل يوم - 10 كل مرة يكون لدينا بعض الكتاكيت األكبر قليال 15 - 30 نقطة الرضاعة - 40 كل دجاجة - 40 كل كوكيرل 25 لكل منها ال تفكر في الثلاثي (كوكيريل واثنين من الدجاج) - 95 هذه الطيور الكبيرة هي رائع للغاية، ودية، ملكي، أنيقة وعصاب. البيض الأبيض الجميل هي ببساطة رائعة لرؤية غولد الحياة الدواجن سمالهولدينغز المحدودة. ورسسترزير. لدينا سلالات مختلفة من الدجاج الكبير والبنتام، عدة سلالات من داكسجيس. لدينا الدجاج غينيا لترتيب بالإضافة إلى اللحم فراخ البط الأوز والديك الرومي كما اليوم القديم. جميع الكتاكيت هي ماركس تطعيم. لدينا أيضا البريطانية نادر الخنازير الفطائر الخنازير المتاحة لطلب الحلبة للحصول على التفاصيل والأسعار. الاتصال شارونكيث جولد هاتف 07894743816 أو 07974587281 البريد الإلكتروني شارون. uk الموقع gouldlifepoultryltd. co. uk الدجاج السعيد، بودنهام، هيريفورد. أكثر من 35 لون مختلف من بيكين بانتامز بما في ذلك العديد من الألوان من فرزل. بيكينز جعل الحيوانات الأليفة جميلة للأطفال أمب البالغين على حد سواء. تعرض سيلكيز من بعض من أفضل الأسلاف في المملكة المتحدة بما في ذلك الوقواق النادرة. مساعدة المشورة أمبير تعطى بحرية. بول أمب بيض التفريخ عادة للبيع. نيكي ستانارد، تيل. رقم 01568 797665، المحمول: 07976850735، البريد الإلكتروني: purebreedpoultrytiscali. co. uk عنوان الويب: happyhens. me. uk هايديس هابي هنس. الهجين الدواجن، الرجبي، وارويكشاير. جميع الطيور لدينا هي مدهشة تماما و ورميد لأننا نضمن لهم لمدة ستة أشهر. الأيام السبعة المفتوحة من الأسبوع 9 صباحا - 8 مساءا. السلالات الهجينة: الهجين نقطة من الدجاجة، رينجرز، أمبرز، النحاس السود، البلوز، سنوبلز، كوكو، بييد و كريستد. رينجرز. هذه هي طبقة مذهلة ويمكن أن تكمن تصل إلى 340 في السنة، شخصية حقيقية وسوف تتبع لكم حول أمل لبعض بت طرف. أمبرس. مثل هذا الطيور طائر غالبا ما تقفز إلى حضنك يجعل لها المفضلة الأسرة الحقيقية. تتنوع ألوان ريشها من كريم نقي إلى بني مشرق. وقالت انها سوف تضع ما يقرب من 300 بيضة سنويا. كوبر بلاكز سوف تضع نسبة كبيرة من البيض البني الداكن حقا، وهو طائر جميل يتألق ريشه باللون الأخضر البنزين في الشمس. وقالت انها سوف تضع ما يقرب من 300 بيضة سنويا. مرة أخرى الطيور ترويض الذين سوف يأكل بسعادة من يدك. البلوز. أكبر الهجين أبيع، ولكن مرة أخرى ودية للغاية وناعمة المحيا. وقالت انها سوف تضع بيض بني دسم وسوف تضع تقريبا 280 بيضة. سنوبيل. أصغر الهجين حتى انها لطيفة الحجم للأطفال للتعامل معها وتضع البيض الأبيض النقي. حوالي 300 بيضة. كوكو. لديها الريش الذي يشعر مثل المخملية، وقالت انها سوف تكمن حول 280 البيض الذي سيكون لون البني الفاتح. بييد. طائر أبيض وأسود جميل الذي سيضع حوالي 280 بيضة. إضافة لطيفة حقا إلى أي قطيع. متوج. 80 من هذه الطيور الجميلة وضع البيض الأخضر الأزرق. الدجاج يمكن حجزها وأبقى لمدة تصل إلى ستة أسابيع حتى أفضل ونحن نقدم خدمة مجانية للعطلات. يمكننا أيضا تقديم. يرجى الاتصال بنا للحصول على مزيد من التفاصيل. إذا كان هناك شيء ما كنت بعد ولكن لا يمكن رؤيته المدرجة يرجى الاتصال بي كما أنا سعيد لمناقشة الاحتياجات الفردية. نحن مقرها في الركبي، وارويكشاير. على حدود ليستر. على بعد ميل واحد من تقاطع واحد من M6 وعلى بعد ميل واحد من تقاطع 20 أو 21 من M1. هايدي ستوبسون، هاتف. No. 01788 568930، موبيل: 07970 929886، إمايل: heidiheidishappyhens. co. uk. عنوان الويب: heidishappyhens. co. uk هوليدين الدجاج. كولفيل. ليسسترشاير. وارن، بلاك روك، بلو، سبيكلدي، ساسكس، ليغورن و العنبر لينك. في هوليدين الدجاج نحن نقدم مجموعة متنوعة من نقطة الدجاج وضع. نحن أيضا مخزون يغذي واللوازم حتى تتمكن من شراء كل ما تحتاجه للحفاظ على الدجاجة سعيدة وصحية الذهاب بعيدا في عطلة نحن نقدم 5 الدجاج الصعود حتى لا داعي للقلق حول الدجاج الخاص بك بينما كنت بعيدا. يمكنك معرفة المزيد من المعلومات حول لدينا الصعود الخدمة الصعود على موقعنا على الانترنت: hollydenehens. co. uk. الهاتف. 07712772280. البريد الإلكتروني: سويشسمانياو L أمب B النقي تربية الدواجن، ويثردن، سوفولك. أكثر من 25 سلالات مختلفة من الدجاج - الطيور الكبيرة أمب بانتامز، السمان، البط، غينيا الطيور و بيكوكسشنز. بسبب، وضع، المزارعون، أيضا، ضوء، خبير، الصوصوص. أيضا مختلف بيض الفقس المتاحة. يرجى الاتصال لويس لمزيد من التفاصيل على 07534525263 أو البريد الإلكتروني l. bpurebreedpoultryhotmail. co. uk صورة للتوضيح فقط. ليفستيلس، المملكة المتحدة.، برومسغروف، ورسسترزير. مربي الفرن الفرنسي ماران، ليغورنز، ضوء ساسكس، كريم ليجبارز. أيضا طبقات الهجين و بانتامز. أكثر من 40 عاما من الخبرة. نحن أيضا تصنيع الإنجليزية المصنوعة يدويا تغذية الدواجن الإسكان والإكسسوارات. الهاتف. 01527 880078، فاكس. لا. 01527 835888، المحمول: 07860808071، البريد الإلكتروني: stevelifestylesukltd. co. uk عنوان الويب: lifestylesukltd. co. uk ماديز الفراخ، ليكفيلد، ستافوردشاير. P. O.L الهجين والسلالات النادرة. لدينا مجموعة واسعة من الدجاج لتختار من بينها. هناك الدجاج سلالة نقية إذا كنت مهتما في إظهار الحيوانات الأليفة الخاص بك. ومع ذلك إذا لذيذ، والبيض المنتجة بيض المدى الحرة هي هدفك، ثم اختر من مجموعة لدينا جذابة من الدجاج البياض الهجين. لدينا الدجاج الهجين تنتج حوالي 280 بيضة في السنة، وهذا يتوقف على الدجاج الذي اخترته، ووضع البيض من مختلف الألوان من الأبيض وحتى إلى الشوكولاته البني العميق وحتى الأزرق نبيع الدواجن من جميع الأعمار من الفقس البيض والكتاكيت للدجاج الكبار. السلالات الحالية: الهجينة: تايلز الأسود الكولومبي. فرنسي، نحاس، مارانز. رود آيلاند ريدز. نيو همشاير ريدز. كريم ليجبار (طبقات البيض الزرقاء). سلالات نادرة: أوربينغتون الشوكولاته. الذهب، جلد، كوتشينز. الليمون، ميلفلور، سابليبوتس. ريد سيلكيز الأحمر. لا تتردد في الاتصال بنا للحصول على مزيد من المعلومات. موبايل: 07854885058 البريد الإلكتروني: ماديسشيكسوتمايل عنوان الويب: maddieschicks. co. uk ويلسومرز بارويتش. ديربيشاير. مايكل هارت. ويلسومرز ولدت ل لونها البيض الداكن والإنتاجية. لدي أيضا سيلفر داكوينغ ويلسومر متنوعة، وكذلك فورويركس. جميع الطيور الكبيرة، ومتوفرة كمزارعين أو بيض تفقس. أشبورن، ديربيشاير. هاتف: 01335 390456. البريد الإلكتروني poultryhartshouse. org. uk نيوكلوبيردس. بنريث، كومبريا. مربي الدواجن النادرة والناضجة - متخصصون في سيلكيز (5 ألوان)، ترانسلفانيا عارية عارية، هودانز، السلاطين، الاسكتلنديين دومبي، وايت، براون أمب إكسكوير ليغورنز. الفقس البيض والمخزون المتنامي. هاتف 01768 867205 بعد الساعة 8 مساء أو الجوال 07951375641، البريد الإلكتروني نيكلوبيردسولا موقع ويب newclobirds. co. uk تيريس المفرخات. سندرلاند. تاين و لبس. رود آيلاند الأبيض، رود آيلاند الأحمر، ساسكس الخفيفة، الاسكتلندي الرمادي، أمبرس، عيسى البني، الذهب الهولندية، أيليسبوري وكامبل. نبيع كل شيء من الفقس البيض إلى نقطة الدجاجة، البط، الاوز والدجاج. خدمة حضانة المتاحة. يرجى رن 0700924660 للتحقق من توافر المخزون. السلالات: ضوء سوسكس، رود الجزيرة الحمراء، الاسكتلنديين الرمادي، الهجينة، رود الجزيرة الأبيض، الذهبي الهولندية، البط أيليسبوري وبطاط كامبل نحن توريد: يعيش الفقس البيض، يوم الكتاكيت القديمة، نقطة من الرصاص الرصاص، الدجاج، البط، الأوز، بانتامزوفر في الأسابيع القليلة الماضية تلقى I8217ve رسالتين مبيعات مختلفة يدعي أن يأتي من 8220Jim Hunt8221. The first letter came from Streetwise Publications Limited and was selling a 27 per month course called 8220 The Five Secrets 8220. In this letter Jim Hunt is given the title of 8220Course Director8221. The second letter came from Lifetime Enterprises Limited and was also selling a 27 per month course. This one was called 8220 Corporate Raider 8221 and was described as a 8220compendium of secret banking loopholes8221. Jim Hunt also signed this letter. As you can imagine the sales copy from both was extremely compelling and tempting. In the case of the Five Secrets course I was severely tempted but this one sentence put me off: 8220No-one ever got anywhere by being sceptical8221 The copy goes on to ask whether the reader has ever met a wealthy sceptic. Perhaps the copywriter has never watched TV but there8217s a programme called 8220 Dragons8217 Den 8221 that is broadcast on BBC1. It features a collection of multi-millionaires who listen to pitches by members of the public and then decide whether to invest in their ideas or not. The whole gimmick of the show is that the Dragons have to be won around 8211 they are sceptical about all ideas until the pitcher puts forward a good reason for them to invest. These Dragons are multi-millionaires and their wealth dwarfs that of any of the 8220information publishers8221 who send out these types of biz opp sales letters. Knowing this it is difficult to understand how a copywriter can claim that there are no wealthy sceptics. It8217s just a silly sentence that has been added to try and make the reader think that being sceptical prevents you from making money in the hope that they8217ll sign up to the standing order. Shortly after discounting the sales letter I eventually found a full second-hand course of the Five Secrets for sale and snapped it up. The seller was kind enough to include the original sales letter they received 8211 the one that persuaded them to sign up. Surprise, surprise, it is exactly the same as the one Streetwise is currently mailing out. And the course has a copyright date on it 8220Copyright CMS 20008221. This original sales letter comes from James Edwards of CMS, Reading. According to thisismoney. co. uk James Edwards is an alias of James Sheridan. As for the Corporate Raider system the sales letter speaks of special 8220bank passwords8221 that you enter into your computer. Apparently when you do this you will receive money within 5 minutes. It comes from Lifetime Enterprises Limited and certain websites suggest that James Sheridan is a director of this company. The Corporate Raider sales letter is very compelling and also quite baffling in that it doesn8217t actually tell you what this particular opportunity is about. It says that it8217s not a pyramid scheme, not a home business, not currency or commodity trading, not gambling, not property etc Very interesting that it specifically mentions it8217s not currency or commodity trading but doesn8217t say that it won8217t involve financial trading of some variety. Therefore, it8217s specifically stating what kind of trading that it ISN8217T so maybe, just maybe, it does involve some kind of trading. So what kind of trading would have someone typing in a 8220password8221 and then receiving money minutes later You would obviously be taking money from somebody else in some kind of trade, that would explain why you receive money almost instantly. So you would possibly be selling something to another trader. That trader would be paying you for some kind of service or insurance or maybe even to shoulder some risk for him. Could it be that you would be selling options That would explain why someone would pay you money immediately, without you appearing to actually 8220 do 8221 anything. Perhaps it8217s something to do with writing options on shares If it were, the 8220money8221 you receive would actually come from premiums that other investors pay you to buy these options. The 8220passwords8221 in this case would likely relate to the shares that you are selling options on 8211 whether calls or puts. Correct me if I8217m wrong but when you BUY options you have a limited downside but a potentially unlimited upside. On the other hand if you SELL options you have an unlimited downside but a limited upside. Selling options, therefore, can result in massive financial losses if you make the wrong decision. The pieces appear to fit 8211 passwords, money appearing within minutes, 8220instant cash, anytime, anywhere8221, start with a thousand pounds etc Maybe I8217ll send off and get the first month of 8220Corporate Raider8221 free just to see if I8217m right. However, if the 8220Corporate Raider8221 Jim Hunt is the same person as the 8220Five Secrets8221 Jim Hunt then it may well be that the first lesson doesn8217t tell you very much 8211 as is the case with part one of the Five Secrets course. And to be fair maybe the Corporate Raider course has nothing to do with options trading at all and there is a valid method of receiving hundreds of pounds just by typing in some letters to a website8230 In any case it8217ll all be revealed soon enough once people receive their first months8217 newsletter. The review sites will no doubt spill the beans8230 Update 19th February 2013 : If you want the 5 Secrets course but don8217t want to wait for 10 months to get it I8217ve put my own personal (100 official) copy of the course up for sale here: 101 Comments raquo I received the same mailshot today. was going to send off for the first, free, installment, but think I8217ll wait now till someone else reports back. maybe they8217re just hoping that, after getting the first installment, the customer will forget to cancel the standing order.. Comment by Alan Sheppard 8212 30th November 2012 8:17 pm I have just been searching for more information on the so called Corporate Raider Instant Money Making plan, as I am somewhat intrigued as to how it works, and what I have To Do. Just Enter Some Codes Into My computer Receive Money In Five Minutes 100 Legal Instant Cash, Anytime, Anywhere Five Times You Money In 5 Minutes, No Risk Guarantee. There Is An Email address jimhunt357gmail I Will Send An Email And Hope To Find Out More Comment by Fothermucker 8212 1st December 2012 11:54 am I received the first part of this, and it is indeed selling options. There8217s no explanation how to do it or any indicators. I requested the 2nd part, and a few days later, my bank phoned me to tell me that they would not process the standing order as they were aware that this was a known word removed . Having contacted the vendor, they offered to send parts 2 and 3 for free if i sent the bank a letter saying this wasn8217t a word removed . When i told the vendor that they8217d not demonstrated this wasn8217t a word removed , they immediately closed my word removed and withdrew their offer of the free issues. Make of that what you will8230..Although word removed is springing to my mind8230. Edited by Ben: Sorry but I had to remove that particular word. The newsletter may or may not be of poor quality but it doesn8217t strike me as a scam 8211 you did get the first issue as promised. I guess your bank was being ultra-cautious. Thanks for taking the time to comment though, very much appreciated. Comment by Darren 8212 2nd December 2012 12:55 pm I got the 8216Corporate Raider8217 mailshot from 8216Jim Hunt this morning. As a hardened sceptic, I had no intention of paying this character anything whatsoever, but wished to find out more about his scheme. Thanks very much for the information provided above. My interest level in 8216Corporate Raider8217, having peaked at about 10, has now swiftly dropped to a minus figure so great that it is unquantifiable. Comment by John 8212 5th December 2012 1:28 pm Hi Darren, thanks for reviewing this, I just received the very same mailshot (from Lifetime Enterprises). It says that if you follow the instructions of the first installment then you can 8220make 5 times your money in 5 minutes guaranteed8221 and you can try this for 30 days before your payment of 27 is due. I wonder why someone able to make that kind of money would bother trying to make more money from selling it to others at the 8216risk8217 of them divulging the 8216secret8217 and causing 8220panic on the streets if word of this spreads8221. But I am also puzzled by your own review. Darren, you wrote 8220Shortly after discounting the sales letter I eventually found a full second-hand course of the Five Secrets for sale and snapped it up.8221 So what exaclty is the first 8216secret and how does it guarantee to make you five times the money in five minutes Why does the rest of your review still pretend that you do not really know what this is about and even states you might go ahead and order it Addition by Ben: Thanks for the comment 8211 it appears that my blog post wasn8217t clear8230 I was talking about two different sales letters 8211 one from Streetwise and one from Lifetime 8211 both signed by a 8220Jim Hunt8221. I bought the Five Secrets course (advertised by Streetwise) second hand and so I8217ve read it. I haven8217t seen the Corporate Raider course (advertised by Lifetime Enterprises) and so that one was the one that I was considering sending off for the first section. Hope that clears it up. Comment by Mike 8212 5th December 2012 4:11 pm Thanks a lot for that string of comments on the Jim Hunt offer. I received one today 8211 the Exposed Bank Passwords offer for 27 a month with the first month telling you everything you need 8211 supposedly. Why then bother with any more Glad to know it8217s as useless as a serious money maker and, despite the very compelling text, it should be confined to the bin without delay. شكر. Comment by Rog Aron 8212 5th December 2012 10:30 pm I8217m another customer of the 8220Corporate Raider8221. I received the first issue yesterday and read it thoroughly. I was impressed with its style and content. It describes the 8220password8221 scheme (which is indeed selling stock options) in outline. I know nothing about such trading, but it is made to sound easy and straightforward 8211 IF you follow his exact guidelines. The trouble is, those detailed guidelines are NOT in the first issue, but are promised to be included in the next issue. I emailed 8220Jim8221 to say that I was disappointed that he8217d (in my opinion) broken the promise in the sales letter to 82208230 reveal EVERYTHING about these passwords 8230 etc.8221 (his capital letters, not mine). But I even offered to trust him for at least another issue, and offered to pay for the next issue at once. 8220I8217m sorry you were disappointed 8230 I don8217t want you to have to worry though, so I8217ve canceled your subscription.8221 Hmmm, since my only 8220worry8221 when I emailed him was that the second lesson might not contain the full details 8230 I wonder, why did he decide he didn8217t want my money Comment by Mike 8212 7th December 2012 10:19 am I too have received the 8220Corporate Raider8221 sales letter and having previously subscribed to an internet marketing course some years ago now it made me sceptical reading this as Mike above mentioned he ordered the first part of the course but it didn8217t give any instructions or guidelines to follow, this had some similarities with the course i had subscribed to, dispite their promise to reveal EVERYTHING in the first issue it appears that they are holding back a little on the info, that it is just a tactic they use to hopefully keep your interest so that you will be curious enough to find out what8217s in the second issue so ther efore keep up with the subscriptions, this indeed does make the sales letter misleading though. And despite the sales letter stating that if too many people found out about this8230there would be panic on the streets, why. who knows how many of these sales letters have been sent out, i8217d like to bet there are literally thousands of them in circulation, take for example if just 5000 people subscribed to the course for the full 10 modules. 10 monthly issues per person at 27270 . 5000 people subscribing to the full course (5000x270) would net the author an income of 1.35million, pretty cool sum isn8217t it It isn8217t hard to see that there is only one winner in this business and it isn8217t rocket science, i can understand how easy especially if you8217re new to this kind of thing it is to be taken in by these guru8217s who promise you the earth by selling you the dream as i8217ve been there myself, don8217t get me wrong though i do believe that in order to succeed at anything you do then you must be prepared to put in the time and effort but just remember if it sounds too good to be true then it probably is. Comment by Nigel 8212 7th December 2012 6:56 pm Hello to everyone, and thanks for reading this so you can have a balanced view on things. I know theres a lot of fear and paranoia out there, as well as scepticism and suspicion, so its understandable that people might tar this product with the same brush. And it seems that one bank in particular has been guilty of this prejudice (and my solicitors are vigorously dealing with them currently because they have stated a defamation based on dogma). Firstly, thanks to Ben for running this site - hes doing a great job protecting you guys from REAL scams where some cowboy literally sends you nothing for your money, or sends you something of terrible quality for your money. In short, hes protecting you from a LOSS of your hard-earned money, and you owe him thanks for that. So, building on that, perhaps I can offer the FACTS about Corporate Raider, and hopefully overcome any dogma and prejudice that may exist. Although the invitation focuses on the cash payouts system, it would be unfair to state that this is simply a course on that, as thats one of over TEN systems in it. There are a great deal of different and proven systems here that use little known and very simple tricks, and theyre all 100 legal. The first lesson is sent without you paying a penny - the standing order is on a 30 day delay after receipt of the lesson so you have a full 30 days without paying anything to decide if you wish to continue, and the vast majority of students do that. That lesson explains what the invitation is about, and why you receive the payouts. It also explains where to open an account to do this. Its not a question of whether this works or not, it simply DOES, and it happens every day all over the world, including used by Warren Buffet. Armed with this FREE knowledge, any person may then open an account, ask them to do what the lesson says, and receive the payout. If students want more detailed assistance, they can pay for the second lesson and see a screen by screen demonstration. And that second lesson concludes that particular system - the rest of the course is dedicated to more systems like it, so theres no dragging things out past Level 2. Forgive me, but I think its utterly absurd that anyone would expect to receive an entire course on something for free. And if you can find free information to assist you with the system that Level 1 exposes you to, go ahead, all8217s fair because Level 1 explains exactly what that system is. Some people won8217t need further assistance after Level 1, perhaps those who already have some material about investment that they could marry this to. Sincere apologies to anyone here who received a letter explaining that they would not be allowed to continue to the course after their FREE Level 1 was sent. This decision was part of the initial screening procedure which includes ensuring that students have a positive attitude and are not rude and obnoxious to me or my staff - life is too short. Some were blatantly computer illiterate so it would have been dishonest to take their money. In some other cases students explained that they have no money to lose, and I didnt want this to be worry-money for them, so they too were discontinued from the course - case in point below (original available for inspection): thank you so much for your kind gesture of sending me an MampS gift voucher that made my day i also got my hair done so that makes me feel good too. just to say that it is so refreshing to find such honesty and kindness in the business world. I do expect to be getting some funds in the next couple of months and then I will be in touch so that I can get started with corporate raider seasons greetings to you. best wishes babs lynch8221 And I have DOZENS of testimonials on file. If any student had their studies discontinued at Level 1 by me, I8217m happy to reconsider. Of course, this wont be for everyone, and I have the greatest respect for anyone who tries Level 1 and politely states as much. And if a 30-day delayed payment of 27 is an unacceptable risk for you, then I would humbly suggest that you are extremely risk averse, and that this course would NOT be for you. In short, this is a legitimate offer, and as one of these postings conceded, it is written with high quality. And you wont have to part with a penny to see this for yourself first hand so you can form your own opinions and think for yourself. The 5 Secrets is an additional and separate course that was promoted through Streetwise under license from the original author. It is illegal for anyone to sell unlicensed copies of any copyrighted material, and anyone receiving this should notify us so that legal action can commence. Yes, I am a busy man because I have paying, positive students to help out, a business to run, and not a lot of time on my hands to write postings here constantly, but if anyone has any further questions, by all means email me on JimHunt357gmail. Thanks, and best wishes to all in your endeavours. Comment by JimHunt 8212 10th December 2012 3:57 pm Yeah I received the mail shot for this in true streetwise style totally blind sales copy. Anyway so it is trading options is it. Funny the copy never mentions the likely hood of losing money. Another thing that rang alarm bells are the obviously fake testimonials with the letter. No way to verify them. Comment by Harry 8212 12th January 2013 2:02 pm I have received the second course and quite frankly dont bother. The second is just as vague as the first, it points you in the right direction, but does not quite get there and leaves you wondering what is going on with Jims answers and questions page which he keeps sending to you. I should have known better really, a man that robs a bank of very sencative material and then tries to sell it on the open market. Then writes about it in the first addtion and bragges about it, what a dum nut. Why hasent anyone arrested him yet Jim Hunt or jim word removed more to the point your probally being tailed. Edited by Ben: Swear word removed Comment by P. C.Smith 8212 14th January 2013 1:37 am Looks like smoke and mirrors. Jim or whatever your name is. Why don8217t you just come clean, make a course in option trading and sell it as an option trading course. You won8217t I know you are just preying on people desperation to make some money. After the last pot I am now convinced your testimonials are fake8230 Comment by Harry 8212 14th January 2013 2:22 pm I also joined this but wrote directly to Mr Jim Hunt (a most polite informative letter) expressing obviously some concern at the delay tactics. Lo and behold I am 8221 struck-off8221 I received a letter from his distribution center stating that I had -8216cancelled8217. 8211 but of course - I HAD NOT. I do not know if this cancellation - BY HIM, was because I had had the temerity to write to himWITH A MINOR CONCERN8230. or because I had been here upon this website8211 but either way - I am subsequently struck off. I am wholeheartedly sick of these Gerus and their business deceptions 8211 I also wrote to 8216Streetwise8217 and 8216Canonbury8217 and even though I was a long standing client of both 8211 I was simply ignored. I rang the Distribution Center for Mr Jim Hunt 01189484082 8230.and they told me the cancellation had come from Mr JIM Hunt himself . We are the shoals of minions for all these sharks - sorry,-gerus. I have wrote to Mr Jim Hunt 3 times now 8211 all ignored. just sick of the lot of them. they dont care about anyone: Comment by jan Bramwell 8212 16th January 2013 5:38 pm Oh dear Jan Bramwell. Go back to school. Bad grammar, bad spelling and not too bright. A good offer at the start which you do not have to continue if you don8217t like it. And you can stop any time with a standing order. It is quite clearly stated that only positive students are wanted. Maybe there is too much negativity which would waste Mr. Hunt8217s time That is why he cancels them He does say 82202 out of a hundred8221 will be welcomed Joining the company is a bit of a pain but don8217t do anything you are not sure of. No one is pointing a gun. Ben does us all a favour by running this site. No need to retaliate by being obnoxious. M. R Comment by Megan Reece 8212 23rd January 2013 1:46 pm Oh dear M. R seems you are naive in such matters. Wake up and smell the coffee. On a side note who cares if the guy has bad grammar Comment by Harry 8212 26th January 2013 12:49 pm WHY WAS MY COMMENT DELETED Addition by Ben: Hi Graham, sorry but I haven8217t been able to find your comment. It has probably been marked as spam and deleted. Apologies for that, sometimes the filters make mistakes. Comment by graham 8212 27th January 2013 5:45 pm Phew, I am so glad I read this blog and the comments. A letter from Jim Hunt via Streetwise landed on my doormat this morning and I was intrigued. I used to buy all sorts of stuff like this at the drop of a hat (pre internet), some of it quite good but most of it rubbish, however, since my prolific used of the internet started some 8-9 years ago, I now have an excellent source of information at my finger tips and can properly research these get rich quick schemes before I plunge in myself. I don8217t think Ill be giving this one a go Thank you. Thanks for the information, you have saved me some money. I would have gone ahead and wasted money (again) on something I have no inclination to learn or understand. Disappointed with Streetwise Marketing who make no mention at all about options trading. I will no longer taken any Streetwise material seriously.. Comment by Stan 8212 15th February 2013 11:14 pm There will always be people to give 8216testimonials8217. Generally these are people that are taken in by the excellent copywriting that states how easy it is to make money for nothing. It is easy to live 8216on a dream8217 and truly believe that tomorrow your financial crisis will be over. Believe me I have had this dream over and over again. I was sent the same Streetwise sales copy and was almost tempted to buy. The true winner in most money making ideas is the copywriter. it is his her job to persuade often vulnerable people to buy that dream I am not saying that this will not work either. I am testament to this really, having spent four hard years trying to trade money on the open markets from a bought system. Only now am I making a modest income but I did stick with it. In my opining and experience, options trading is very hard to both understand and trade successfully. I am sure that with the right help support - it is possible though and perhaps worth a go, if you are prepared to work hard I cannot comment on this particular course content as I have not seen it. I just wish that the sales copy could have been a little bit more informative about what you were actually buying. Comment by Sun 8212 19th February 2013 6:46 pm The Guy who writes the copy for Streetwise. I believe is one of the owners. He is good, fantastic copy writer. He sells the dream really well and it is always blind copy so you actually don8217t know what you are buying Comment by Harry 8212 20th February 2013 10:43 pm I too have received this offer and what puzzles me (not really) is that, of the many testimonials they provide, not one says they have started to make any money from it They all enthusiastically expound upon how wonderful the course is and how they can8217t wait to get started Wouldn8217t it be so much more convincing if they waited and told of the fantastic results they have had and the money made to date Comment by J. MEARS 8212 22nd February 2013 2:16 pm Received first course last week, the first problem is that it claims that you can start straight away, you cannot not, you can only sign up to an options website, he does not explain how. But he says he will walk you through next time. Second problem is that any email sent to his address is replied by a standard letter which only explains the obvious, I sent to queries to him and guess what. I had the exzct same reply. I will try the second course to see if there is any further information as jI will have only then paid for one course. John Dales Comment by John Dales 8212 3rd March 2013 11:41 am John, I have been in contact with this Jim Hunt also via email. I got the standard automated replies until I sent one simply asking why he hadn8217t replied. He answered by stating 8220How can i help you8221 Then once I sent him my questions again, the automated replies switched on. However one of his replies did include a goodwill gesture of a sample of Level 2. Now the examples he shows on the Level 2 are about bidding for shares in a company at a lower price and then getting an instant cash payout. The problem I have seen since looking at various markets is what happens if the share price does reach your bid price You end up buying 100 shares which can cost you thousands and then you hope they don8217t lose value He does say that in Level 2, there is a red light signal which lets you know what companies to buy shares in so maybe thats the saving grace But you will have to see if thats the case when you get your Level 2. Keep us posted mate. If you do want the sample let me know. Comment by Joogy 8212 6th March 2013 12:06 am Has any reader got all 10 lessons of the Corporate Raider for sale dwac01aol Comment by D Wright 8212 6th March 2013 7:46 pm Can I ask why my comments on this have been removed Is someone on this site a friend of JIm8217s. Addition by Ben: Sorry, it8217s my fault the comment didn8217t turn up, I was slow in moderating Comment by Joogy 8212 8th March 2013 10:39 pm 8221 Can I ask why my comments on this have been removed Is someone on this site a friend of JIms. 8221 Interesting comment Joogy ALL the comments have been removed from this site I would like an explination as to why82308230.. Comment by Sun 8212 10th March 2013 12:00 pm Has anyone tried this yet or got the second Level I contacted Jim Hunt again and said to him that if he proved that Level 1 actually worked, I would send him money for all 10 levels but he could still send me them only monthly if he so wished. His reply was that I wanted everything for free. I stated that he said there were 10 different opportunities and I was willing to pay for all ten in advance provided he could prove Level 1 simply worked. Since then no response Comment by Joogy 8212 17th March 2013 7:20 pm Have the same problem as John Dales. Do get a reply if I push but mainly it is Mr. Hunt trying to make me feel bad by telling me I am 8220risk averse8221(because of the 37 prepaid). That has now been cashed and still no sign of level 2. I am old but not stupid and I could have given that 37 to Hope for Heroes and seen a better return. I feel I will be cancelling my subscription because if it entails my buying shares well, sod it, no. I won8217t do it. Why do I always assume people are as honest as myself I just want to learn how to make a few bob from the intenet. Thought I had the answer but obviously not. Sandra Blattmann Comment by sandra blattmann 8212 25th March 2013 3:22 pm Looks like this has exhausted itself. Anymore news on this Comment by Joogy 8212 25th March 2013 8:36 pm Ten years ago this probably would have sold really, really well because of the mysterious sales letter. In 2013 people can simply Google the name of the business opportunity and find out information from previous buyers. There is no longer a need to sign up for these opps in order to satisfy your curiosity. Stuart Goldsmith complained about this in one of his courses (probably Escape The Matrix) saying that it has killed off what was once a great earner. I8217ve had whiney emails sent directly to me from other big publishers too. The exhaustion of any interest is likely due to people reading other buyers8217 accounts of the Corporate Raider and deciding not to continue. Comment by Ben 8212 26th March 2013 9:00 am If you have ordered Level 2 and had the money cashed, you should definitely chase it. Who did you order it through I know the suff I had was sent via Streetwise Publications. Contact the people who you ordered it from and insist on your money back or that they send you Level 2. What these people hope is that if you set up a direct debit or standing order, some buyers will simply forget to cancel their subscription. If you have any problems with cancelling let me know and I will help you out. Comment by Joogy 8212 26th March 2013 3:56 pm In the above post by Jim Hunt himself, he states that he has 8216discontinued8217 some people from the course as they have said they have no money to lose, and that he doesn8217t want this to be 8216worry-money8217 for them 8211 and he gives an example 8211 part of which goes:8221just to say that it is so refreshing to find such honesty and kindness in the business world. best wishes, Babs Lynch8221 However, this is one of the testimonials still given in Level 1. Iwonder what said Babs Lynch thinks of having been discontinued, but yet still being shown as a 8220satisfied customer8221 Hmmm. Comment by ambejh 8212 29th March 2013 1:19 pm Corporate Raider Lesson 2. The views expressed in the article are the authors opinions and are without prejudice. I received Lesson 2 last week. Streetwise received payment from my bank via standing order. I am an academic and have a quest to find the key to riches via such claims as Jim Hunt and the Corporate Raider. I have spent circa 12 hours studying lesson 2 comparing it to lesson 1, opening suggested accounts and even using optionsxpress live chat for advice, the traffic light system extrapolating suggestions and questions in expectation of finding the answers. Has any reader followed this system and had a risk free return I have not In my opinion, the written words in lesson 2 are loaded with ambiguity and I am embarrassed to confess that I thought that one could receive something for nothing. I am compiling a letter to streetwise as it is impossible to receive a response from Jim Hunt. I am fascinated to hear from Streetwise the points I have missed in lesson 1 and 2 to receive low risk money for the system I live in fading hope. I will keep you all informed. Comment by D Wright 8212 1st April 2013 12:00 pm Babs Lynch. Two names of ladies taken from popular soaps, one fictional and one real, Barbara Windsor and Bet Lynch possibly. Who next - Alfie Moon or possibly Phil Mitchell with the warning 8220Buy it or else8221 Comment by Joogy 8212 1st April 2013 6:16 pm I asked for this course out of sheer curiosity. I certainly didn8217t expect money for nothing. I have only received the first course and don8217t intend buying any more. I found it had nothing really to say and I suspected, from reading it, that it is possible to lose a lot of money. Also if he was making such a lot of money why would he be bothered doing all this work for other people. I think people who devise these courses only do so because they are not making money from them. Comment by Eva Ashton 8212 3rd April 2013 5:08 pm Fake testimonials are nothing new ask to speak to someone having success and it will fall on deaf ears. Streetwise peddle hot air. Lets face it they wouldn8217t touch their own systems with a barge pole because the are all hot air BS. They sell using blind copy because people wouldn8217t buy if they knew the contents.. Comment by Harry 8212 6th April 2013 11:42 am I got the 2nd level last week. It explains the whole thing about options. Here8217s the deal. You will always receive the payout in your account. But, you can8217t take the money right away. First you choose the payout amount and how long you want to wait to see if the shares drop to a level you indicated (the shorter the wait the lower the payout). Then, when this waiting time is over, you can take your money. However, if the shares do drop to the level you chose initially, you will also end up buying the shares. These can cost quite a lot. You will know how much you would need to pay for the shares (should they drop to your chosen level with your chosen time period) at the time you chose your payout amount. I have not personally tried this yet, I8217m a bit sceptical about the possibility of having to end up with buying the shares. But, this is where Jim provides access to his redgreen light indicator via a members only website. This is supposed to give indication of when the time is goodbad to deal with options. Has anyone tried this yet properly With this 2nd level course I also received an invitation letter to join removed . signed by 8216Banker X8217, which is supposed to be Jim8217s industry contact. The deal here is that you act on his trades suggestions (when to buy and when to sell) and pay him 10 of your profits every January. The joining fee for this service is 997 (for 1 year subscription). You can deduct this from the 10 you pay him. Well, obviously it seems that with the course itself you will also receive upsellback end opportunities. Jim did explain this in his 1st level, but not as a way of back end products, but in terms of 8216other opportunities8217 as and when they come up. I8217m quite interested in this removed service. There are testimonials there, like everywhere else, but who is to really prove they are real And that the whole thing is real People are naturally sceptical when it comes to playing with hard-earned money. If anyone has signed up to 8216Banker X8217 would you please let me know of your experience Comment by Anne 8212 12th April 2013 7:11 pm I have been receiving the course for over 6 months now and am pleased with everything so far. Its not all about making money, it has saved me a few grand by heeding some of the advice contained in the course. At only 27 per month, I have found it to be a very interesting course and certainly eye opening. I have had no problems contacting Jim and he responds within 24hrs. Comment by DrSquat 8212 14th April 2013 11:01 pm Take the entire letter sent to you, fold it up carefully and place in the reply paid envelope and post it all back to them. At least it will cost them the postage Comment by NG 8212 19th April 2013 7:40 pm J Mears it8217s all fake and BS. Lets face it how do these people make their money. Selling dreams not implementing their BS systems. If streetwise implemented all the BS systems they peddle they would be billionaires but what do they do, sell the system. Totally BS 82308230. Comment by Harry 8212 20th April 2013 10:40 pm Just a quick message to the person who posted on Sunday 21st April as 8220 john t 8221 at 11:44 am then as 8220 norman 8221 at 11:57 am, 12:00 pm, 12:03 pm and 12:18 pm. Would you like me to approve all of your comments as they are now Or would you rather try again and post a considered comment that I will happily approve Either way I8217m happy but I just thought you might appreciate being given a chance to change your mind before your comments are committed to the web. Comment by Ben 8212 23rd April 2013 8:25 am I joined the business 8220the five secrets8221 and the 8220coporate raider8221 with Mr Jim Hunt but after paying once for 8220the five secrers 8220and two times for the8221 coporate raider8221I learnt that no money was to come to me by pressing the bank machine or the button I thought I might not get any money any more, disappointed when I searched his email adress I read many people in trouble like me, I really felt happy because I thought that I was the only man in the wrong world of business and I hope something will come out. Comment by Tesfa 8212 3rd May 2013 11:39 am You8217ve nothing to loose by taking a look, but unfortunately it8217s all filler and not as straight forward as you might think. You need part two to understand how to properly access your free money. Sent alarm bells ringing with me trading can be very costly if you get it wrong. I would say 27 x 10 270, there are probably better courses around for that money if trading is what takes your fancy. Hi There Has any one really knows how this express option code works Is it true money will be automatically credit to account This guy seems to hide behind some kind of curtain with only up sell response. They are really clever. Thanks John.. Comment by John smith 8212 13th May 2013 12:48 am I have the second part of the corporate raider bank codes and you still do not find out how to use them, and you do not get the money strait away, and it does not explain how much money you need to do this, as you have to deposit money to the site you deal with. Comment by hugh scott 8212 16th May 2013 10:28 am Hi I just got my first copy and It8217s a bit thin with instructions how to make any money without the code numbers I will not be sending for any moor Comment by stanley obrien 8212 10th June 2013 11:13 am would you agree that it is a con Addition by Ben: No, I don8217t think it8217s a con. Whether you8217ll make any money or not I don8217t know but if you pay your monthly 8220subs8221 then you will at least receive a newsletter so it can8217t be described as a con. The likely fake names and hypey sales letter don8217t do it any favours but biz opps publishers just can8217t seem to help themselves when it comes to telling stories. Comment by Don 8212 5th July 2013 11:43 am i received the email streetwise today 14072013 i read it with interest then put one of the codes into my computer amp found this site im not the sortof person to jump in feet first that is why i checked it out and i would usually send for these and would advise anyone thinking about it to think again as you dont get something for nothing you have to work for it Comment by jack cook 8212 14th July 2013 6:02 pm just read first copy of corporate raider endorse every thing posted on your site Comment by john 8212 16th July 2013 4:27 pm Glad I found your site I thought the sales letter was too good to be true, I should know better by now. This seems like a classic 8216Internet Marketing8217course very cleverly disguised8230. you think you are buying a number of ways to make money but in reality you are getting one over-hyped course in Instalments Your mention of 8216James Sheridan8217 struck a chord with me 8230. some years ago there was a guy selling internet marketing courses called 8216Jim Sheridan8217 8230 wonder if he is the same guy Must have made an absolute fortune by now Thanks for the information 8230 I shall be re-cycling the sales letter accordingly. 8220You never get something for nothing8221 Regards. Comment by Paul 8212 2nd August 2013 11:26 am JUST RECEIVED A MAILSHOT8230.JIM HUNT amp HIS 8220CORPORATE RAIDER8221. GLAD TO HAVE READ ALL YOUR COMMENTS. WILL NOT BE TAKING HIM UP ON HIS OFFER TO 8220GET CASH, IMMEDIATELY, FROM THE BANK FAT CATS82218230.THANKS TO YOU ALL. Comment by al 8212 2nd August 2013 1:22 pm I8217ve received a 4th attempt from Streetwise to get me to subscribe to their bank codes 8216money-for-nothing8217 scheme, and there are now 10 8211 not 5 levels 8211 before you get your 1,024,000. (I must wait a whole year. ) But they actually GUARANTEE you will get 135 before cashing your first 27 installment, which you are at liberty to cancel. So how can they do that No Shmock Comment by bernard stanbury 8212 14th August 2013 8:21 am I got the first copy and found that his 100 guarantee does not stand up as you cant make any money until you buy more courses. I emailed Jim about this and I got a email back stating that he had removed me from his list. there were no commments about his 100 guarantee. I did receive 1 5.00 mand S voucher through the post though for looking at the course Comment by Toby 8212 16th August 2013 10:10 pm JIM HUNT JAMES SHERIDAN BANK CODESCORPORATE RAIDER STREETWISE MARKETING ABSOLUTE AND UTTER DESPICABLE DRIVEL OF THE HIGHEST removed ORDER. Comment by LAW ASSOCIATES 8212 23rd August 2013 2:49 pm i recd the corporaty trader first gives no accurate procedure to follow. i think jim hunt wants a few months payments before we see any proper system that can actually be worked..why lead people on..its time i cancell my payment. Comment by jit ram 8212 24th August 2013 10:40 pm Adding onto John Dales8217 comments (22 above) I actually did attempt to set up an account on OptionsXpress 8211 the (implied) website Harrison mentioned in the Level 1 8216course8217. Of course there were several points in the registration process which required decisions on my part for which Level 1 had totally failed to prepare me 8211 i. e. the type of account I wanted 8211 my expected level of trading etc. etc. Oh well 8211 perhaps I was expecting too much 8211 after all, he did say he would walk me through NEXT TIME8230. Conclusion NO, I wasn8217t expecting too much 8211 because of course his GUARANTEED 8220unique 55promise8221 (8220I know for a fact that if you use what8217s exposed in this first Level alone you will instantly receive 5 times the cost of the first subscription within 5 minutes8221) is a downright LIE Naturally, I don8217t want to hear from John Harrison 8211 or indeed Streetwise Publications 8211 ever again. Comment by Vic Davies 8212 7th September 2013 7:20 pm I got a level 2. Opened the optionsexpress account, filled in the tax forms8230watching the traffic light Jim has designed. Wondering when it would change for the favourable time so i can actually check if this system works Its been red for weeks8230perhaps it would change in a year Thinking about the system though, if the green is favourable for the codes system lets say i do this when green and for time frame of 3 months as he suggested, what if the light then turns red I end up buying shares, and get paid for buying them. Did anybody here actually try the system few times Feedback on the profitloss would be appreciated. And i do agree there should be more honest way of presenting the data, as im very professional and LSE trained so my mind is organised and goal oriented. I know the psychological side of the letter is demanding an absolute allegiance, which is necessary for any war to be won, but the detailed amount of information is insufficient to make a sound base for a prolonged operations when dealing which super brains and psychological organisers as myself. If the cult is what Jim is after, this should be organised to a higher level so people like me can follow. But then again, lets leave this to the american propaganda system. Comment by moses 8212 12th September 2013 12:27 pm I thought this guy was very intelligent with his words I am waiting on the third coarse. I have opened an account with options express but I am a little concerned about funding the account. Must have step by step instructions before I proceed. I too have found a few concerning unbelievable statements in the first two parts so many people have hidden documents in their homes that can be worth thousands yes maybe a few percentage wise would be real low. If there is nothing solid in the third part I will cancel it should come this week and i will post my comments here again. Comment by Rovert 8212 16th September 2013 6:30 pm Well seems I8217ve been a bit more gullable than others, now paid up to level 4 before deciding time to quit. Still no more info in the latest level and can8217t see that changing now. I had given this a chance as I needed something so bad to work but once again got stung for 90. Glad I found this site and hope it saves someone else losing out. Comment by Ed 8212 19th November 2013 3:46 pm Hi there, I have all 10 levels if anyone is interested in buying No reasonable offer refused. Let me know (ibiza3170yahoo. co. uk). Comment by Simon 8212 7th December 2013 8:20 pm Thanks for this information about Jim Hunt Sheridan or whatever name he calls himself. I have received this Jim Hunt - Streetwise promotion for the 3rd time now in the past 9 months, despite telling me that this will be only chance to see this. As I suspected though a total edited by Ben . Comment by Ian 8212 4th January 2014 1:45 pm Of course it is a edited by Ben . He is a edited by Ben . And of course he and others will defend with some drivel. It is a edited by Ben folks. BS of the highest order. Feeding off people8217s innate need to try and make money. Don8217t send any money. Comment by colin 8212 6th January 2014 8:35 pm Just received the Streetwise publication and was almost taken in by the ease by Which you could make money. Almost but not quite 8211 if someone was getting the amounts he was claiming to make why on earth would he need to sell the course. Glad to have this site which confirmed what I thought. Comment by Maz 8212 6th January 2014 8:45 pm Edited a few comments because I don8217t want to have to read anymore whingey emails from certain people. I am also still receiving sales letters for this opportunity which now claim that two banks have stopped their customers from learning more. My thoughts were that perhaps the banks are simply trying to save their customers from making a mistake and investing in something that is completely unsuitable for the vast majority of people. Let8217s face it, a lot of sales copy is pure rubbish and purposely misleading. It8217d be nice to get the real story about what the banks actually told these customers (or allegedly did). Comment by Ben 8212 7th January 2014 12:38 pm Just received one of these 8220invitation8221 after reading I threw it in the bin, first rule of thumb if it sounds too good to be true it probably is Comment by cathy 8212 31st January 2014 1:26 pm I sent an e-mail to Jim Hunt asking him why I needed 1000 to start up. Guess what No reply Comment by Rick 8212 7th February 2014 10:17 am I have been receiving this Bank Code system now for about 3 years. If it was that good would someone making 10008217s every day let others in on it No way youd be off onyour holls with a laptop and enjoying life not sending thousand of letters out to make your money. Streewise churn out money making ways for thiose that give them the ideas the poor purchasers never make a penny. Vince Comment by Vince 8212 7th February 2014 11:32 am Well, I8217m a sucker for well written, seductive sales letters. A complete mug I received this one and bought into it. I have just received the 1st part of the course and the codes given in the sales pitch do relate to Options. I am not familiar with Options so don8217t really know how it works. It gives almost enough info in the 1st part of the course to make some money 8211 but not quite, you need to wait for part 2. Whether part 2 gets you any further down the road, I don8217t know. In part 1 it says you can go ahead and register with the options trading platform they suggest but strongly advise you don8217t 8211 he promises to lead you by the hand in volume 2. Really pissed me off. I am probably a mug. I haven8217t paid anything yet amp haven8217t decided yet whether to wait for volume 2. I would feel impressed if the guy delivered something in the 1st volume 8211 it would make me want to stay the course. But now, I8217m thinking8230. Comment by graham 8212 13th February 2014 9:57 pm I have paid for 10 months and am know wiser. I really fell for this con. trick Comment by R Graham 8212 18th February 2014 3:42 pm for some unknown reason, and I mean unknown, not one person has actually revealed what this system is it seems those who bought the whole set of levels are keeping very quiet indeed just my two pennuth. Comment by goblyn 8212 22nd February 2014 7:44 pm I have received these mailings for years from Streetwise in various guises. Not one of them has ever made any sense about making a fortune from 8216secret8217 methods no one has ever heard of. If someone can make so much money from these 8216methods8217 why tell anyone else. Hang these mailinsg on a string in the toilet at least it will save you the cost of the toilet paper Comment by Paul O 8212 5th March 2014 8:03 pm I have just received THE FIVE SECRETS offer. JIM HUNT. opened envelope, cut with scissors, into bucket, JOB DONE. Comment by T. M.DEVAN 8212 19th March 2014 12:59 pm Hunt reads these comments, so here is a challenge to him - I have read part 1-and answer these questions,,or I can8217t see anyone Reading this, buying NO DOWNSIDE-really. So if I end up FORCED to buy shares, you guarantee to cover any losses we make NOT GAMBLING-you have a disclaimer stating this is HIGH RISK-i state that if there is a risk, it IS gambling8230.. And-you don8217t state what potential losses can be8230 And (in Corporate Raider,),although you allude to no money being risked, what do you call the money Options xpress requires you to deposit You allude that by selling,,rather than buying these options, that there is No risk-if we read the mandatory information on options xpress, they state it is HIGH RISK. And silly things-picture cards are not the most common cards in a deck You miss words out, and make spelling mistakes8230.. I await your reply, Sir.-in the meantime, people,8230..order the free copy of Corporate trader, and if he doesnt reply to this convincingly, cancel your debit, and post back their paperwork in their envelope-it will have cost them a lot for wasting your time8230. Comment by paul clarke 8212 22nd March 2014 10:50 pm Hunts posted an 8221urgent student alert8221 on google - you MUST read it He says his bank has kicked him out-so deal dirrect at - Lifetime. Enterprises FREEPOST RG 2722 Reading RG4 5ZZu He is offering info on a deal which will make him. 712,,000. also-offering full Course for 197. Y Reckon-streetwise are out as affiliates-are letting him use their mailing list and mailing and printservice, as my mail came. from reading, not sheffield-couldit. Be that streewise ggot sick of refunds is he. Selling cheap to get rid. And wave bye bye. might be time. For trading. standards to look at this8230.. Use the Reading freepost address to mail free questions-i bet disgruntled users will. Send copious amounts of mail to. get his. mail costs. rocketing-strange, that-if he is about to make 712 k, why. Cry in. His letter about a few. hundred quid postage. I8217ve also given you his phone number-there is anotrrher. Email addrress on this weebpage, bbbut doubt you will get. A. Reply. See my challenge to. him, below. Sorry for weird. Typing-my ttablet is going mental. Comment by paul clarke 8212 23rd March 2014 10:48 pm Sorry - Reading. phone. For hunt is 01189 484082 Comment by paul clarke 8212 23rd March 2014 10:51 pm Hi 8211 am just into part 2 of this and have spoken with the US company concerned and this is a genuine service they provide. Having traded on options positions for nearly three years, I wondered what the wheels 8216driving8217 the undulating figures were and now I think I see. I never come on here but suggest you try talking to the options broker about this before throwing it all out with the bath water so to speak. I am certainly going to open a virtual account and see how it goes. From my findings so far, I have nothing, absolutely nothing to lose by trying. Good luck to me and us all Comment by Lesley 8212 6th June 2014 9:06 pm I have today received yet another secret code letter probably the 9th so far this year. What you have to ask yourself is: Why would someone making a huge amount of money via whatever scheme they are selling want to share with so many people If they are all so well off why are they still selling get rich quick manuals that are as useful as a chocolate teapot Selling to you is how they are making their money. What makes them successful Being able to write compelling sales letters to make you part with your money there are several available courses to help you write a great buy me quick letter if thats how you want to make a living. Why do you feel that maybe this might be the one the scheme that will bring you in much needed money - Because they have put in so many trigger words in these letters for example -100 legal maybe but guaranteed money maybe not - Instant cash anywhereluxury retirement really Maybe for the seller who is charging 270 a pop for a 10 part course that will leave you so much worse off than you were before this amazing offer landed on your door mat. Can you be trusted need I say more The question is can they be trusted You may get the first level without sending any money but there will be a breadcrumb trail letting you get so tantalisingly close at the end of the first part that you just feel compelled to buy the second and third and 4th etc. Do what I now do after spending way too much money in the past when I was nave to the tricks of buy quick limited offer letters - PACKAGE UP AS MUCH JUNK MAIL AS YOU CAN GET HOLD OF STICK THE PRE-PAID ENVELOPE ON THE FRONT OF THE PARCEL TAKE IT TO THE POST OFFICE AND SEND IT WITHOUT PAYING POSTAGE IF YOU DONT WANT THEM TO KNOW ITS FROM YOU DONT PUT YOUR INVITATION LETTER IN WITHOUT REMOVING YOUR DETAILS. THE RESULT A SMALL WIN FOR US AS THEY HAVE TO PAY THE POSTAGE TADAH RESULT If you don8217t want to do that tear up the letters and make paper mache with your kids or as in my case my grandchildren. Have a look round your house anything you don8217t want or need anymore sell it on an auction site 8211 a good way to recover 8216oppotunity letter8217 money you have spent. Don8217t feel embarrassed unfortunately we have all been there done that and got the worthless dvd8217s for our efforts. If I can help anyone further please get in touch 8211 free advice 8211 no catch 8211 not time limited I am an ordinary member of the public who got caught out once too often by these letters. Comment by Diane 8212 13th June 2014 3:41 pm Sir. yesterday (Friday 13 June) I posted back to Streetwise the standing order form for what they call Bank Codes and give you six bank codes, QTROW, VPBCT, PNTRS, WNDAQ, XHBAN, AND RHCBK. After reading your report above, i think that i may be one of the idiots they a looking for, (silly mr ). Ishall ring them on Monday to cancel the order. thank you for your report. Adrian Pleasance Comment by Adrian 8212 14th June 2014 8:11 am Well, just spent some time reading all these interesting comments. I8217ve received the first level and, whilst not overly impressed, I8217ll risk taking the second level and see if it actually delivers anything of value. With luck I may receive level 2 before the 30 days expires if it8217s a waste of time I8217ll simply cancel the standing order. Worst case scenario is losing 30 and, though it8217s nothing to brag about, I8217ve lost much more than this on various 8216enterprises8217 over the years.. Comment by Alan 8212 26th June 2014 7:59 pm I used to send for this kind of material when I was much younger, naive and desperate to increase my income. I can honestly say that although I gave it my full effort I never made a bean. One such scheme sounded really good (currency trading) only 2 a point would make me a fortune. What the neglected to tell anyone was that this would require a deposit of something in the region of 5000. So someone who is desperate for funds is likely to have 5k lying around Perhaps be tempted to risk all on a credit card These letters are expertly tailored to appeal to people who are short of money. They are misleading and extremely dangerous to vulnerable people. 8220Blessed are the gullible for they are easily robbed8221 seems to be the beatitude of these crooks. Post their deceitful missives back to them in the Freepost envelope they provide. A small victory but a victory none the less. Comment by ony 8212 5th August 2014 11:46 am Have to say I strongly suspect that most people are unlikely to be able to make money with this system 8211 options trading requires capital (1,000), and it8217s certainly not guaranteed. To be fair to Streetwise though, I8217ve bought a number of courses from them over 10 years, including one at 5,000 And whenever I returned one they ALWAYS REFUNDED MY MONEY (and promptly). I never made anything from the courses, but neither did they refuse a refund or argue, and I believe some would have worked if I had bothered putting the work in Comment by Steve R 8212 12th September 2014 5:35 am Thanks very much all for the info above. The Biz Opps Blog has saved me much time, effort and money over the years. Comment by Kevin 8212 23rd September 2014 2:35 pm I am at the end of lesson one of Corporate Raider from Streetwise and to me it looks very interesting. I note all the extremely sweeping adverse comments expressing a belief 8216this is definitely a scam and not worth paying 187 for8217 (or words to that effect) but all seem to have been made by people who have just received and read only the first (free) part of this Streetwise 10 part course or else not even that It seems noone who has paid for and completed the ENTIRE ten part course has so far decided to come on here to allege having done it all 8211 their conclusion is it8217s not worth the 1878243. Drop outs from university courses do not graduate but are called 8220FAILURES8221 So I wonder could it just be those who have completed the course and are now carrying out what they have been taught are in fact not unhappy but perhaps now very happy with how much better off they now are compared to before Comment by Timbo 8212 30th September 2014 4:59 pm I8217ve just stumbled across this forum while researching a related subject for work. Dear God, I had absolutely no idea that these sort of schemes were being touted to people. I8217m a Bond Dealer with 20 years8217 experience. The process you are being sold we call Blocking Options. We 8216bundle8217 m8217s worth of share options, on a second-by-second basis, then take a market position on the share movement 8211 updownstall etc. It8217s not for the fainthearted, but we have the advantage of financial analysts, computer-modelling, actuarial mathematicians at our disposal. Please, please don8217t get involved in this nonsense. There are no secret 8216banking codes8217, you cannot make 8217s, bundling options. If you must gamble, put your money on Lucky Boy, running in the 4.45 At Haydock Park. Matt. Comment by Matt 8212 15th October 2014 5:36 pm Very useful site. Have just received a document marked 8220termination notice8221 from John Harrison enclosing a report from Jim Hunt regarding the use of bank codes to obtain 8220free8221 money. Makes very compelling reading and I was tempted, but after reading the comments on this site have sent the report back in the stamped addressed envelope provided with the report. At least I have 8220recycled8221 a piece of junk mail. Comment by Jim Lean 8212 19th October 2014 7:24 pm I have read with interest this 8220scam8221 to extract 27 from the unsuspecting reader(this one was signed Jim Hunt)termination notice The only way to get back at these people is to send the reply paid envelope back, It cost you nothing but the receiver is charged the postage.(I know it is a waist of resources but it makes me feel better) As Jim Hunt says 8220if it is too good to be true, it probably is.8221 Comment by C. M Mc 8212 20th October 2014 11:14 am Please, Please do not even consider the corporate raider under any circumstances from streetwise publications. I spent an entire week with Jim Hunt real name (James Sheridan). If he8217s not claiming to be an ex airline pilot, he8217s a ex banker of some sorts. This is really just the 5 secrets with a different name doing the rounds. James Sheridan has absolutely nothing to offer and still to this day is happy to extract money from newbies trying the same old BS, mentored by Stuart Goldsmith, You have been WARNED8230 Comment by Wayne Hudock 8212 1st November 2014 3:32 pm Has anybody tried this Or have they got to the 2nd stage I given up. Seems to be a lot of people saying 8220scam8221 It would be interesting to know if these people have actually put into action what is taught in the lessons. Comment by John fay 8212 30th November 2014 3:13 pm Hi Ben I stumbled onto this website having received a mailshot today from Streetwise publications inviting me to purchase Jim Hunt8217s 822045-day Retirement Plan in DVD. Only 596.40. Apparently it is the recording of a Seminar that Jim Hunt gave. Anyone know of this or even attended the seminar This is serious money now, not just the usual 29 per month and there are only 127 DVD8217s for sale. Comment by Greg More 8212 7th January 2015 12:13 pm hi has anyone received dvd sv-60 system from jim hunt Comment by ANDREW 8212 8th January 2015 1:34 am I have been using the sv-60 system since last week with 1000 spreadbetting account and it is already up to 1500. Some good ideas and useful tips and well worth it especially to a newbie but also a seasoned investor like me Comment by Andy 8212 27th January 2015 8:33 am great site. funny how he wanted complete newbies to test his SV60 When he d just sold them the corporate raider course to train them up. It seems to me, instead of selling you a book for say twenty or thirty pounds they sell it in chapters for two or three hundred and then hit you with a back end product for six hundred. To be honest It disgusts me. Before I buy anything now I come to sites like this and look for comments and reviews so thanks to you all. Anybody know of any good biz opps Comment by Dermott 8212 3rd February 2015 4:22 pm Hi just received one of those letters from Jim Hunt - Jim Sheridan or what ever he calls himself, I just put it all in the return envelope and sent it back. that8217s the best way. Comment by Eddie Brannigan 8212 23rd March 2015 12:00 pm People have said Jim Hunt (aka8230) doesn8217t give enough information about what he is suggesting you do in Corporate Raider. Well if it is registering on some website then I see no reason why he shouldn8217t fully explain each step of registration8230 It8217s a simple thing to do if you8217re being paid for your course material based on a Beijing website which it appears from comments that he recommends 8211 shame on him if he doesn8217t 8216hold your hand8217. Also if it8217s about selling put options this should also be explained. I found a fairly simple suite of illustrative explanations at investopediaarticlesoptioninvestor10sell-puts-benefit-any-market. asp which sound correct to me but then I am not a stock broker. The downside of selling a put option seems to be that if the buyer requires you are obliged to acquire the shares at the price you stated. No problem if that8217s what you wanted and why wouldn8217t you if that8217s the position you adopt. It may become a problem if the shares fall below your purchase price as you either sell at a loss or hold onto them in the hope they rise again 8211 they might never do so. Seems you guys are saying he suggests you walk off with the premium but the link above seems to suggest that you can only do that if your put option buyer does not require you to except the put option you sold. I dunno 8211 seems a bit of interesting information which could make some money and could lose you money. Risk and reward PS I MADE UP THE NAME THAT APPEARS ON THIS COMMENT. Comment by Lynch Babs 8212 29th March 2015 1:18 am God Bless Google8230is all I can say. Comment by Elizabeth Paul 8212 18th April 2015 6:47 pm I have just paid the first instalment of 29.95 on the 6th of may 2015 and I would like to know when I will receive the next newsletter. also are there any openings for immediate involvement to start earning what you say. Addition by Ben: This blog isn8217t anything to do with 8220Jim Hunt8221 I8217m afraid so you will need to find another way of contacting them. شكر. Comment by selwyn cohen 8212 6th May 2015 4:18 pm I have just received and read 1st lesson of Corporate Raiders. Prior to receiving it, the sales literature states very clearly that I could recoup the first instalment 5 times over Wow. The first lesson is nothing more than an extension of the sales letter. Plenty of ideas put forward but none to execute until the 2nd lesson apparently. One of the testimonials raved about the first lesson having read it 10 times. I8217m afraid there is an email to Jim this morning saying thank you but no thank you. Hope this helps John Comment by john etheridge 8212 21st May 2015 7:45 am During the past three weeks I have received Copies of Somerton Cash Profit System, Biblical Wealth Secrets and the first Edition of Corporate Raider, Which I sent payment details of to my bank through Streetwise. The only thing I was interested in was Corporate Raider and I tried to contact Jim Hunt as advised but two emails disappeared as soon as I had finished writing them so I decided to write and sent the prepaid envelope, explaining what I needed to know, which was ignored I couldn8217t register with OptionXpress as they wanted an Electronic Signature to complete the registration. I wrote to Streetwise again, asking for help but still without result. I dont want to continue with anything and I dont know how to get the information to Streetwise, apart from returning the envelopes. what can I do Comment by Maureen Atherton 8212 24th July 2015 10:29 pm I purchased full 10 copies of corporate raider I never used the cash for codes but did use the traffic light that some people have mentioned. jim hunt gives the code for this so I placed a 1 spread bet on it and in a few weeks the lights went amber my 1 per point bet rose to over 800. am still kicking myself as I let it slip back to about 155 when I cashed. Also bought sv60 but gave up on it after a few more losing trades than winners Comment by mick 8212 9th November 2015 6:27 pm Just received a mailshot from Streetwise, Jim Hunt Pyjama Profits. Looks compelling but having read above I have my doubts. Would be interested to hear from anyone taking it up. Comment by Mike 8212 4th May 2016 8:54 am Just got the letter today New Company 8220VIA PUBLICATIONS8221 IF IT SOUNDS TO GOOD TO BE TRUE IT IS Buy a lottery ticket least you see your money in a strangers pocket 18052016 Comment by Peter Jt 8212 18th May 2016 10:50 am Leave a commentOne of the biggest areas that is overlooked when getting a videocamera setup for trips out is the speed of the your SD or Micro SD card. Now this doesn8217t matter if your camera is a GoPro, Contour. Garmin. Sony or whatever because without a good memory card you may struggle to capture the video footage you want. The Speed Class Rating is the official unit of speed measurement for all SD cards, including both full and micro sized versions. Speed Class is a minimum speed based on a worst case scenario test and represents the minimum transfer rate of data that the card is capable of. Class 2 8211 2MBs Class 4 8211 4MBs Class 6 8211 6MBs Class 8 8211 8MBs This can be seen on cards as a number within a circle. Ultra High Speed (UHS) Class Just to confuse things a little more there is also an Ultra High Speed (UHS) classification. Ultra High Speed 1 8211 U1 is the same as Class 10 (10MBs). UHS sets a minimum transfer of data that the card is capable of in a similar way to the SD speed class. This can be seen on cards as a number within a bucketU. U3 is pretty new and is a response to ensure that consumers can easily identify those cards with the highest transfer rates suitable for 4K2K filming. If your card is not U3 this doesn8217t necessarily mean that it is not up to the job. It may simply not be labeled with the new U3 symbol. Check the transfer rates 8211 this is the key. Why should you care The Speed Class is important for video mode or camcorders, as when recording video the device is actually saving a steady stream of data. This is exactly what you are expecting a GoPro camera to do whilst filming video at high resolutions. GoPro recommend SDHC cards with a Class 4 rating or higher for the Hero 2. A Class 10 SD card is recommended when using Time-Lapse mode or photo every 0.5 seconds. For the GoPro Hero 3, 3, 4, Session 4, 5 or Session 5 a Class 10 SD cardU1 is the best choice regardless of what you are using it for. Always get the fastest card you can. There is always a danger that if your SD card isn8217t up to it that you could encounter error messages or loss of data. When ever my GoPro has crashed or frozen it has always been down to the card I have been using. The difficulty comes when you start looking at Speed Class and card storage size. The higher the speed class the higher the price, the higher the card capacity the higher the prices. Over the last few months I have swapped out all of my cards for the newest Lexar 633x U1U3 series. All are more than capable of coping with all the recording options available on the GoPro. All my cards are also 32GB as a battery on the GoPro won8217t last longer than a 32GB would anyway. SD Card Recommendations GoPro issue a list of suitable cards and seem to update this on a fairly regular basis. It8217s important to use one of the recommended SD cards (or a similarbetter spec card) in your camera, or you may experience freeze-up or video corruption issues. I have owned and used all of the brands and models of Micro SD cards shown below. They have always performed well without issue. Here are the Micro SD card requirements for each camera: For the Hero 4 Silver. Black and Session cameras and the new 2016 Hero5 Black and Hero5 Session a U3 MicroSD card up to 128GB is required. U1 and U3 633x Lexar Cards have the same transfer rates 8211 95MBs. For HERO3 Silver and White Editions any class 10 micro SD cards can be used. HERO3: Silver Edition 038 HERO3 Silver Edition Cameras A Class 4 MicroSD card up to 64 GB is required 8211 you8217ll be hard pushed to find a Class 4 card, go straight for Class 10 as a minimum. A Class 10 MicroSD card up to 64 GB is required for 0.5 sec Time-lapse, 101 Photo Burst, and Protune. HERO3: White Edition Camera A Class 4 MicroSD card up to 64 GB is required. A Class 10 MicroSD card up to 64 GB is required for 0.5 sec Time-lapse. A Class 4 SD card up to 32 GB is required. A Class 10 SD card up to 32 GB is required to use 0.5 sec Time-lapse, 101 Photo Burst, and Protune. The safe bet is to get the fastest Class 10 U3 you can afford as it will work in all of the GoPro range and just about any other POVAction camera that requires a Micro SD card . I have also been using the new range of Turbo Boost U3 cards from PNY with success. No issues at all and given the price are well worth checking out. There are a great deal of fake SD cards out in circulation and it is important that you buy yours from a reputable supplier. Once you get into taking video you8217ll soon build up a collection of memory cards. These things are so easy to misplace or lose. After losing a few last year I use Peli SD Card storage case. It can handle both SD and Micro SD cards at the same time, and although not fully waterproof it is water resistant and keeps the dirtgrime out. What else should you consider I have a fair bit of GoPro kit and to maximise its use I also have a range of must have accessories. Share this: Don8217t use the SanDisk 32gb micro sd ultra with GoPro hero 3 silver constant freezing issues and onoff problems. Only used it for 2 weeks in a whole year due to all the problems caused, with only a year warranty I haven8217t got a choice anymore but to either give up on the useless item because it8217s faulty itself or to buy a micro sd extreme if it8217s really worth it. However I can8217t see it working because I have followed recommendations everywhere for my camera and the memory cards were even sold on Gopro store. Updating, hard reseting, formatting with both computer and camera still doesn8217t fix GoPro82308230 What to do I chose the Lexar 600x 32GB as my first card for my H3Black, and it works flawlessly running 108060fps w Protune on. It was only 45 with a USB3.0 adapter. I just bought a Sandisk Extreme Plus as a second card, again 45. Haven8217t used it yet, but it seems like with any of the H3 cameras, you need a high end card for the write speed. If it doesnt do at least 30mbs, it won8217t work properly, so even some of the samsung cards won8217t do the trick. Best to just invest in a good 32GB, and that will get you 90min 108060 w protune, and enjoy for years.

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